Other Worlds

Silvio Lorusso
The Entreprecariat
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2021

A few months ago, I was blessed to join the amazing team of the Center for Other Worlds, a research center for design and art based at Lusófona University. Now, we’re finally launching Other Worlds, COW’s shapeshifting journal for design research, criticism and transformation. Other Worlds (OW) aims at making the social, political, cultural and technical complexities surrounding design practices legible and, thus, mutable.

What other worlds, exactly? Those that have been traditionally ignored, neglected or silenced in the past, as well as those that are overlooked today: non-Western communities negotiating their own set of values through practice; alternative rationalities emerged in the West but overshadowed by the instrumental reason; technosocial environments blossoming at the periphery of platform empires, semi-visible modes of organization that oppose or sustain official institutions.

OW hosts articles, interviews, short essays and all the cultural production that doesn’t fit neither the fast-paced, volatile design media promotional machine nor the necessarily slow and lengthy process of scholarly publishing. In this way, we hope to address urgent issues, without sacrificing rigor and depth.

We are starting small, OW’s initial form is that of a newsletter. Follow this link to find more information and to subscribe.

Do you feel like you have OW same energy? Then, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Originally published at ENTREPRECARIAT.



Silvio Lorusso
The Entreprecariat

designer without qualities, artist without a gallery and writer without spell checker