Silvie JensenThe Five Stages of Dating Grief, after Elizabeth Kübler-RossThe five stages of grief are well-known, but few are aware how well they apply to the emotional roller coaster of modern dating. The…Nov 15, 2018Nov 15, 2018
Silvie JensenTHOUGHTS ON LOVE, ART, AND JAMES BONDI just flew from Italy to California via Munich. Little did I know, the flight is over 11 hours (!), longer than the flight from SFO to…Apr 22, 2016Apr 22, 2016
Silvie JensenON THE EVE OF MY DAUGHTER’S BIRTHDAYThoughts on sex, death, motherhood, datingFeb 7, 2016Feb 7, 2016
Silvie JensenThe Sailor and the MermaidI meant to tell you about the mermaid and the sailor. I don’t know why I waited so long- so many things to talk about, I guess. Somehow…Feb 5, 20161Feb 5, 20161
Silvie JensenMERMAID IN THE CITY: TransformationAfter walking for what seemed like hours, she stumbled and fell on the cracked earth, landing on the desert floor, where a few fallen…Jan 29, 20161Jan 29, 20161
Silvie JensenMEDITATIONFrom the inside out, the feeling begins as a germ cell and grows, radiates into a ganglia, roots expanding outward. Smoke begins to lift…Jan 26, 2016Jan 26, 2016
Silvie JensenMermaid in the City: Chapter 12They met on the street where the devil lives, after having carried Gaia from sacred grove to grove, blessing each garden along the way; and…Dec 2, 2015Dec 2, 2015
Silvie JensenMermaid in the City: Chapter 10I am writing to you so you will know where I’ve been, and where we could go. So that you will remember who I am, and who you are, and why…Dec 2, 2015Dec 2, 2015