Beats And Thoughts

Taking it easy on a Saturday morning

Simone Gobbo
3 min readJul 28, 2018

The sun is shining on this beautiful Saturday morning in Devon.

In my hears a beat of an old Gramatik song. In front of my eyes another blank page to fill. Next door, my beautiful girlfriend still sleeping.

It feels good. I feel good.

It’s a day off, and I’ll manage to spend it with the person I love, in this beautiful corner of the world we live in. We have nothing planned, but with these premises, I already know it’s going to be a great weekend.

When I moved to the UK, I have been on my own for eight months. I gave my everything to succeed at my job. Long hours, few days off, concentration always high.

Then Luana, my partner, moved in with me from Italy and got a job not long after. For years our days off almost never matched. We cherished every single moment together, but we rarely had a full day together.

This brought me to focus even more on my work.

With the excuse of Luana working, I found it easy to work extra hours over the weekend or at least think and have constant conversations about work. It was non-stop.

I didn’t realise how bad this was until our schedules started to change a bit.

Me constantly working meant that I was obsessing with the company and its success. That was my world, and my happiness depended mostly on that. Where’s the business going? How can we improve this or that aspect? How can be more efficient?

That was my universe, and I was locked in this vicious loop. My mood was directly linked to my work, but I was so laser focused that I wasn’t effective with it.

Lately, we started having at least one full day off together. I unplug entirely from my everyday life and give a sincere tribute to all the great things I have going on in my life.

Spending time together with friends and loved ones. Enjoy a leisurely time at a coffee shop chatting. Going out for a drink. Embark on a hike in the countryside. Watch a movie. Read a book.

These pretty standard things make me realise every weekend how lucky I am and how my job is just a fraction of my life. Something I care about, but not something I should obsess.

It helped me detaching my persona from it. I am much more than my professional side, and I need to cultivate all the sides of my personality.

That’s the only way I’ll become a more rounded person.

A link to my previous post. 👇👇

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