My Only Daily Goal

The North Star that pushes me every day

Simone Gobbo
3 min readJul 27, 2018

I wake up every morning with bags under my eyes and only one thing in my head.

I brush my teeth, go through my morning routine, and I can’t get it out of my head. I grab some clothes, go to work, and it’s still there.

How do I make this day worth it?

This is the question that constantly burns inside me. It’s the fuel that makes me get out of bed in the morning. It’s the supplement that makes me focus and work as hard as I can. It’s the molecule that pushes me to live my life at it’s fullest.

It’s motivation. It’s self-discovery. It’s self-awareness.

My job isn’t what you’d call boring.

I work with social media platforms, websites and designers all day long. Plus, it’s my own company, and my business partner is one of my best friends. Running a business can be stressful, but I can’t complain about my situation.

The problem with me is that I perform much better when a routine is in place. If there’s structure to my day and that structure is consistent, my mood and productivity are higher. Nothing wrong with that, but you can find yourself trapped.

Routine is good if you use it as a guide. It can be lethal if you settle.

Becoming too comfortable in my own daily routine so that I don’t progress is one of my biggest fears. Getting stuck and not noticing that you’re staying still or heading in the wrong direction. That’s my nightmare.

For this specific reason, every single day I ask myself what the things I can do to move a little bit forward are.

I see progress as the only goal. Every single minute of my life I try to get better and work on some of its aspects. Refine it and move forward as a person, as a partner, as a son, as a friend, as a professional.

I try to channel all my energy towards getting better. The mistakes I do and the bad days are still there, but the secret is to look at them under a different light. Look at them as examples, as guidelines to work on. Not so much as setbacks.

When you progress you give momentum to your existence. Things start happening. Good things. You start seeing how great life is around you, no matter what your situation is. You start being grateful for what you have. You start being more confident and conscious of your strength.

The path of improvement is a journey you take for yourself. It’s a journey you choose for the people you love.

My constant research for improvement took me in weird places sometimes.

I have had moments where I struggled because I didn’t feel I was going anywhere and nothing was making sense anymore.

I struggled because I put perfection as my end goal. I didn’t understand that perfection doesn’t exist as an absolute value. It’s just an imaginary North Star there to push us to do better.

When I understood that improvement is relative things got better. It doesn’t matter how much progress there is. I try to move forward and see where I end.

I set my goals high enough so that I won’t run out of steam. As long as I improve I don’t need to worry.

I just need to keep moving.

A link to my previous post. 👇👇

Thank you for your attention. If you liked what I had to say, hit the clap button or drop me a response or please keep in touch following me. 🙏

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