Your Dopest Super Power

How to start unlocking the next chapter of your life

Simone Gobbo
3 min readJul 30, 2018

It’s the dawn of a new week. It the beginning of something new, of something amazing.

Not sure yet what it will be, but I am confident that this week will be unique. That’s how things are around here.

We have some exciting meetings lined up. We are going to see a potential new client, and I am going to get back to coding even more. Not to mention all the small things you can’t predict, but that I am sure will make my week great.

It’s Monday, and I am ready the get going.

What’s with people hating Mondays?

Sure, working isn’t always easy and time off with family and friends is a hell of an attractive way to spend your time. I get it.

My issue is not with enjoying your time off. I struggle with understanding why you hate your working days so much. Why you tend to despise the activity that takes up the majority of your lifetime.

You spend 50% of your waking hours at work. People getting to hate such a hefty chunk of their life breaks my heart. It truly upsets me.

Listen, I know that life sometimes is complicated. You got to do what you have to do. Dreams get out of the window etc. I know that not all jobs are inspiring and what you really wanted to do. I know all of that.

The problem is the attitude.

Everything starts in your brain. Your thoughts and your will are way stronger than you’d expect. I am serious. They are a true superpower if used in the right way.

If you think about your job only as a giant pain in your neck, you will never get anything out of it. It will keep being a dreadful experience, a waste of your best years.

On the other end, if you start thinking about your job with a positive attitude, things start happening. Start focusing on the parts you should be grateful for, on why that job is not so bad after all. Split your daily tasks into smaller jobs and try to give them some love. Do them with passion and at the very best of your capabilities.

You might find that the job is not so bad after all. You might find that the situation is not great, but it’s helping you refine a specific skill (patience, precision, social interaction, etc.). It might be that the position is useless, but it’s making you understand your dreams better, and it will fire you up, so you get there as soon as possible.

It’s all in how you see things.

There’s no situation where you can learn something. No moment in life where you can’t become a better, stronger, wiser individual.

The only caveat is that it needs to start from within. No course, book or guru will make this happen for you. It starts from inside your head. It’s your choice.

It’s Monday, and I can’t wait to see where this week will take me.

A link to my previous post. 👇👇

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