Simao Jjeremias
2 min readMay 24, 2022

Thou shalt not tempt the lord

Christ in this chapter us that in the midst of difficulties we should only trust the lord

Verse one to four of these chapters tell us that Christ filled with the Holy Spirit was led into the wildrness where he stayed forty days snd forty nights without anything eat, and see how cunning and the enermy (Devil) he knew that Jesus had powe to turn the stone into bread and say, if you are a child of God, turn this stone into bread.

Now let´s look at Christ´s answer in verse 4: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God.

Showing that we should only our body with foods that strengthen the body, but also with the word of God that strengthens our faith to keep us firm in tribulations

Christ here shows us that our faith is established in the Lord, we will not be deceived by the enemy´s asylums, we must have the knowledge of the words so that we can confront the enemy because he he also has the knowledge of the word.

But ahead the temptation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the desert contibues but he stands firm in the word of God, for what the enemy (Devil) has to give us is fleeting but what Christ has for us is eternal and will last for all time ever.

Simao Jjeremias

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