Main Ideas of Swift’s A Modest Proposal — Breeding, Selling, and Eating Impoverished Children to Solve Poverty in England

17 min readJan 28, 2024


Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is a satirical essay that addresses the issue of poverty in England during the 18th century. In this thought-provoking piece, Swift presents a shocking solution to alleviate the suffering of the poor and eradicate poverty altogether. With ironic wit and biting social commentary, Swift reflects on the moral and economic implications of his proposal, urging readers to reconsider their attitudes towards the less fortunate.

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Swift’s main idea revolves around the suggestion that impoverished families sell their children as a source of food for the wealthy. While this proposition may seem outrageous and repulsive, Swift uses it as a means to expose the indifference of the upper classes towards the downtrodden. By challenging the reader’s sensibilities, Swift aims to highlight the dire circumstances faced by the poor and provoke a genuine discussion about the underlying causes of, and potential solutions for, poverty.

Furthermore, Swift criticizes the British government for its failure to effectively address the issue of poverty. He argues that the ruling class’s policies and indifference towards the poor exacerbate their suffering and perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Through his sarcastic tone, Swift suggests that the government should take responsibility for the welfare of its citizens and implement policies that prioritize the well-being of the entire society, rather than just the elite.

Swift also highlights the dehumanization of the poor, emphasizing that they are treated as mere commodities rather than individuals with rights and dignity. By proposing the sale of children as a solution, Swift exposes the callousness of the upper classes and questions the morality of a society that allows such injustices to persist. His intent is not to promote cannibalism or human trafficking, but rather to instigate a critical examination of societal norms and values.

In conclusion, Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” offers a scathing critique of the prevailing attitudes towards poverty and the inadequacy of government measures to address it. Through his shocking proposal, Swift explores the moral and economic complexities of poverty and calls for a more humane and compassionate approach. By using satire and irony, he forces readers to confront the harsh realities facing the poor and stimulates a much-needed dialogue on the urgent need for social reform.

A Modest Proposal to End Poverty in England

Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is a satirical essay that suggests a unique and drastic solution to the poverty problem in England during the 18th century. Swift proposes that the impoverished Irish population should contribute to the economy by selling their children as food to the wealthy.

Though the proposal itself is shocking and morally repugnant, Swift’s intention was to highlight the indifference of the ruling class towards the impoverished and to provoke them into recognizing the need for change. It is an ironic critique of the heartless economic policies that intensified the suffering of the poor.

In the essay, Swift presents his proposal in a logical and rational manner, using statistics to support his arguments. He calculates the number of children available for sale and the potential revenue that could be generated. He even addresses the potential objections by acknowledging that some people might find the idea objectionable.

However, underlying the shocking proposal is a deeper criticism of the societal structures that perpetuate poverty. Swift aims to expose the absurdity and cruelty of the prevailing economic system, which allows for the exploitation and marginalization of the poor. The essay serves as a wake-up call to society, urging them to consider alternative solutions and address the underlying causes of poverty.

Ultimately, “A Modest Proposal” is a biting satire that challenges the reader’s complacency and calls for a more compassionate and just society. Swift’s use of irony and exaggeration serves to shock the audience into recognizing the dire consequences of their indifference to the suffering of the poor. It is a powerful reminder that poverty is not inevitable and that society has a moral responsibility to address it.

Main Ideas of Jonathan Swift’s Satirical Essay

In his satirical essay, “A Modest Proposal,” Jonathan Swift presents several main ideas that critique the social and economic conditions of Ireland in the 18th century. Through his use of irony and wit, Swift aims to shed light on the absurdity of the prevailing attitudes towards poverty and the mistreatment of the Irish people.

1. Overpopulation and Poverty

Swift suggests that Ireland’s overpopulation is a major cause of poverty and economic stagnation. He presents statistical data and argues that the country’s resources are insufficient to sustain such a large population. Swift proposes a solution to this problem by sarcastically suggesting that poor Irish families sell their children as food to the wealthy English, thus reducing the population and providing economic benefits.

2. Inequality and Social Injustice

Through his essay, Swift highlights the stark inequality between the rich and the poor in Ireland. He critiques the wealthy landlords and English absentee landlords who exploit the Irish people, exacerbating their poverty. Swift suggests that his proposal, although absurd, is a reflection of the inhumane and unfair treatment of the Irish population by those in power.

Swift uses satire to draw attention to the indifference and callousness of the ruling class towards the struggles of the poor. He argues that the proposed solution of turning children into commodities forces readers to confront the consequences of their own disregard for the suffering of others.

3. Government Incompetence

Another main idea in Swift’s essay is the criticism of the Irish government’s failure to address the issues of poverty and famine. He points out the ineffective policies and suggests that the government is more concerned with their own interests than the welfare of the Irish people. Swift uses biting sarcasm to expose the incompetence and negligence of the ruling class in addressing the urgent needs of the poor.

Overall, Swift’s essay serves as a scathing commentary on the deplorable social, economic, and political conditions of Ireland during his time. Through his use of satire, irony, and dark humor, he aims to shock readers and provoke them to reflect on the inhumanity and absurdity of the prevailing attitudes towards poverty and inequality.

The Harsh Realities of Poverty in 18th Century England

The 18th century was a time of great social and economic inequality in England. While the upper classes indulged in luxury and extravagance, the lower classes struggled to survive on meager wages and faced extreme poverty.

One of the harshest realities of poverty in 18th century England was the lack of access to basic necessities such as food and shelter. Many families lived in crowded and unsanitary conditions, with multiple generations sharing small, cramped living spaces. Malnutrition and disease were rampant among the poor, leading to high mortality rates.

In addition to the physical challenges, poverty also had a profound psychological impact on individuals and communities. The constant struggle to meet basic needs and the feeling of hopelessness and despair created a cycle of poverty that was difficult to escape. The poor were often stigmatized and viewed as lazy or undeserving of help, perpetuating their marginalization within society.

  • Children were particularly vulnerable to the harsh realities of poverty in 18th century England. Many were forced to work long hours in dangerous factories or as chimney sweeps, depriving them of a proper education and childhood.
  • Women also suffered greatly from poverty, often resorting to prostitution or other forms of exploitation to survive.
  • The limited opportunities for upward mobility meant that poverty was often passed down from generation to generation, creating a cycle of poverty that was difficult to break.

Overall, the harsh realities of poverty in 18th century England were characterized by a lack of basic necessities, poor living conditions, limited opportunities for advancement, and the psychological toll it took on individuals and communities. Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” stands as a satirical critique of the indifference and cruelty towards the poor, shedding light on the desperate situation they faced in an era of social and economic inequality.

The Surprising Solution Proposed by Swift

In his essay, “A Modest Proposal,” Jonathan Swift presents a surprisingly unconventional solution to end poverty in England. Rather than suggesting traditional methods of charity or economic reform, Swift proposes the idea of poor Irish children being used as a source of food and income for the wealthy.

Swift begins by painting a grim picture of the impoverished conditions in Ireland, emphasizing the burden of overpopulation and the inability of the poor to provide for themselves. He then proposes that infants who would otherwise be a burden on their families, become a source of sustenance and income for the wealthy. He suggests that these children could be sold as food to taverns and landlords, who would benefit from their meat and would also be relieved of the financial strain of caring for them.

While Swift’s proposal initially seems shocking and repulsive, it is important to understand that he uses this extreme idea as a means of drawing attention to the plight of the poor and highlighting the ineffectiveness of other suggested solutions. He takes a satirical approach to expose the heartless and indifferent attitudes of the upper class towards the suffering of the lower classes.

Swift’s proposal is laced with irony and sarcasm, as he suggests that the wealthy consumers of this “delicacy” might find it more palatable if they saw the poor children as a valuable commodity, rather than as lowly and insignificant individuals. He argues that this approach would not only alleviate poverty, but also decrease the number of unwanted infants and improve Ireland’s economic situation.

While Swift’s proposal is obviously not a serious solution, it serves as a biting critique of the indifference and apathy of the ruling class towards the poor. By presenting such a shocking idea, Swift forces readers to confront the harsh realities of poverty and the need for genuine empathy and action to combat it.

Ultimately, Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is a scathing satire that aims to expose the callousness and ineffectiveness of traditional approaches to poverty. While his solution may shock and disgust, it serves as a reminder that true change can only come from a genuine understanding and commitment to addressing the root causes of social inequality.

The Economic Benefits of Swift’s Proposal

Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” presents a satirical solution to the poverty crisis in England during the 18th century. While the proposal itself is shocking and controversial, Swift’s underlying economic ideas can be examined for their potential benefits.

1. Increase in tax revenues

Swift’s proposal suggests selling children of poor families as a source of income. While this idea is clearly inhumane, it highlights the need for the government to find alternative ways to generate revenue. The proposal can serve as a reminder that the government should explore new tax policies or revenue streams to combat poverty and reduce the burden on the lower class.

2. Reduction in poverty rates

Swift’s proposal exaggerates the notion of using children as a commodity, but it draws attention to the desperate circumstances faced by the poor. By addressing the root causes of poverty, such as unequal distribution of wealth and lack of opportunities, society can work towards reducing poverty rates. An improved economy, education, and social welfare programs can ensure a better quality of life for all citizens.

Additionally, the proposal encourages a shift in societal attitudes towards poverty and empathy for those less fortunate. This change in perspective can lead to increased support for poverty reduction efforts and a more equitable society.

In conclusion, while Swift’s proposal is meant to shock readers and provoke thought, it indirectly highlights the need for innovative economic solutions to alleviate poverty. By focusing on increasing tax revenues and improving social support systems, society can work towards reducing poverty rates and creating a more prosperous future for all.

The Moral and Ethical Dilemmas Explored by Swift

Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” addresses the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding poverty in England. Although the proposal itself seems outrageous and immoral, Swift uses it as a satirical device to critique the indifference and inaction of the English ruling class.

One of the main moral dilemmas explored by Swift is the suggestion of cannibalism as a solution to poverty. In his proposal, Swift argues that the children of the poor could be sold as food to the wealthy, thereby reducing the population of impoverished individuals. While this suggestion is clearly immoral, Swift uses it to highlight the extremity of the situation and to expose the indifference of those in power towards the suffering of the poor.

Another ethical dilemma addressed by Swift is the commodification of human life. By suggesting that children be treated as a valuable resource to be bought and consumed, Swift challenges the prevailing value system that prioritizes profit and personal gain over the well-being of individuals. This raises questions about the moral responsibility of the ruling class and their duty to the less fortunate.

Indifference and Hypocrisy

Swift also explores the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding hypocrisy and indifference. He criticizes the English ruling class for their hypocrisy in claiming to be moral and righteous while allowing poverty and suffering to persist. By proposing such a drastic and immoral solution to poverty, Swift forces the reader to confront their own complicity in allowing such injustices to occur and questions the moral integrity of a society that prioritizes its own comfort over the well-being of its citizens.

The Role of Satire

Through his use of satire, Swift aims to shock and challenge the reader’s preconceived notions of morality and ethics. By presenting an extreme and morally repugnant solution to poverty, he highlights the absurdity of the situation and the moral failings of society. Swift’s satirical approach forces readers to critically examine their own values and consider the ethical implications of their actions, ultimately calling for a more compassionate and just society.

Moral and Ethical Dilemmas

  1. Cannibalism as a solution to poverty
  2. Commodification of human life
  3. Indifference and hypocrisy of the ruling class

The Impact and Legacy of “A Modest Proposal”

“A Modest Proposal” has had a significant impact on literature, politics, and social commentary since its publication in 1729. Jonathan Swift’s satirical essay, disguised as a serious proposal to solve Ireland’s poverty problem, shocked and disturbed readers with its outrageous suggestion to use poor children as a food source. The essay’s purpose was to draw attention to the apathy and indifference towards the impoverished in society, as well as to satirize the attitudes of the ruling classes.

Immediate Reaction and Controversy: Upon its release, “A Modest Proposal” sparked immediate controversy and outrage. Readers were shocked by the audaciousness of Swift’s proposal, leading many to believe it was serious at first. The essay was widely debated, with some readers sympathizing with Swift’s criticism of the wealthy, while others condemned the essay as immoral and inhumane.

Increasing Awareness of Poverty: Despite the initial negative reaction, “A Modest Proposal” brought widespread attention to the issue of poverty and social inequality. Swift’s use of irony and satire exposed the harsh realities of the impoverished in a way that captured the public’s attention. The essay forced readers to confront the deplorable conditions faced by the lower classes and the indifference of the ruling elites.

Political Impact: “A Modest Proposal” also had a political impact, as it directly criticized the ruling classes and their policies towards the poor. It highlighted the hypocrisy of the wealthy and powerful, who claimed to care about the well-being of the nation but ignored the suffering of the lower classes. The essay served as a call to action, demanding meaningful reforms to address poverty and social injustice.

Legacy and Influence: Swift’s essay has endured as a masterpiece of satire and social commentary. It remains a powerful critique of social inequality and the indifference of the ruling classes. “A Modest Proposal” has influenced subsequent works of satire and has inspired countless authors and satirists to use similar techniques to expose societal problems. Its enduring relevance demonstrates the power of literature to challenge prevailing ideas and spark debate.

In conclusion, “A Modest Proposal” had a profound impact on its readers and on subsequent generations of writers. By using satire to expose the apathy towards poverty, Swift’s essay continues to serve as a reminder of the need for social and political change, making it a timeless piece of literature.

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What is the main idea of Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”?

The main idea of Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is to satirically propose a solution to end poverty in England by suggesting that poor Irish children be sold as a food source for the wealthy.

How does Swift satirize the British government and society in “A Modest Proposal”?

Swift satirizes the British government and society in “A Modest Proposal” by using irony and exaggeration to highlight their indifference towards the poor. He mocks their inaction and suggests a solution that seems outrageous to expose their lack of empathy and compassion.

How does Swift’s use of irony in “A Modest Proposal” impact the reader?

Swift’s use of irony in “A Modest Proposal” shocks and disturbs the reader. By proposing such a grotesque and morally repugnant solution with a serious tone, Swift forces the reader to confront the harsh reality of poverty and the callousness of society.

What is the tone of “A Modest Proposal”?

The tone of “A Modest Proposal” is sarcastic and satirical. Swift uses biting wit and irony to criticize the English elites and their apathy towards the suffering of the poor. He adopts a serious tone to emphasize the absurdity of his proposal.

What is the significance of the title “A Modest Proposal”?

The title “A Modest Proposal” is ironic, as Swift’s proposal to end poverty is anything but modest. It serves to highlight the shocking and audacious nature of his suggestion to sell poor children as food, while also mocking the insincerity of similar proposals made by others.

What is the main idea of Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”?

The main idea of Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is to suggest a satirical solution to end poverty in England by proposing that poor children be used as a food source for the wealthy.

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Sophia Davis:

Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is a thought-provoking and controversial essay that addresses the pressing issue of poverty in England during the 18th century. As a reader, I found Swift’s main ideas to be audacious and radical, yet incredibly effective in highlighting the flaws in the society of his time. One of the main ideas proposed by Swift is to solve the problem of poverty by using the children of the poor. Although it may seem shocking and grotesque, this proposal aims to shock the readers and force them to acknowledge the harsh reality faced by the impoverished. Swift argues that by using infants as a food source and selling their skin for clothing, the poor would have a way to escape the cycle of poverty and provide for themselves. Another significant idea discussed in the essay is the importance of satire. Swift masterfully employs satire to criticize the ruling classes and their insensitivity towards the poor. By suggesting cannibalism as a solution to poverty, Swift exposes the heartless attitudes of the elite and the government officials at the time. This highlights the need for compassion and calls for urgent action to address the dire conditions faced by the poor. Overall, Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is a powerful piece of literature that challenges the readers’ attitudes and forces them to confront the harsh realities of poverty. While the ideas presented may be shocking and even disturbing, they highlight the urgency of finding a solution to the pervasive issue of poverty in society. Swift’s use of satire ensures that the essay leaves a lasting impression on the readers, and prompts them to contemplate and take action against social injustices.


As a reader, I found Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” to be a thought-provoking and satirical piece that presents some outrageous ideas for ending poverty in England. Swift’s main idea in the essay is to propose that the poor Irish families sell their children as food for the wealthy. While reading the essay, it was quite shocking to see the way Swift twisted and manipulated the idea of finding a solution to poverty. However, as a woman, it was also quite disturbing to read about the dehumanization of children and the disregard for their lives. Although Swift’s proposal is clearly intended to be satirical, it raises important questions about social inequality and the moral obligations of society. Overall, Swift’s essay serves as a critique of the indifference of the ruling class towards the plight of the poor and the need for more compassionate and practical solutions to combat poverty.

Ava Johnson:

As a reader, I find Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” to End Poverty in England both shocking and thought-provoking. Swift’s use of satire and irony is brilliant, forcing readers to confront the harsh reality of poverty in society. While his proposal to solve the problem, of eating the children of the poor, is obviously disturbing, it serves as a scathing critique of the callousness of the upper class towards the poor. Swift’s main idea seems to be to expose the indifference and disregard for the suffering of the poor, as well as emphasize the need for real and practical solutions. The essay forces the reader to question their own assumptions and the society they live in. Despite the shocking nature of the proposal, Swift’s underlying message is clear — a biting criticism of the ruling class and a plea for true compassion and empathy towards the impoverished. It’s a haunting and powerful piece that still resonates today, reminding us not to turn a blind eye to the struggles of those less fortunate.


Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” presents a shocking and satirical solution to poverty in England. As a female reader, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions while reading this piece. On one hand, Swift’s writing style and use of irony is impressive. He manages to present an outrageous suggestion, that of selling poor children as food, in such a convincing manner that it almost seems plausible. However, as a woman, I find it hard to ignore the underlying sexism in Swift’s argument. He assumes that poor women are merely breeding machines and suggests that their children are a burden to society. This sexist portrayal of women is unacceptable. While I appreciate Swift’s intent to draw attention to the suffering of the poor, I cannot support such a dehumanizing proposal. Instead, I believe in advocating for social reforms that address poverty and inequality while respecting the dignity of all individuals, regardless of gender.


This article presents an interesting perspective on Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” and its main ideas for ending poverty in England. I must say, Swift’s proposal is shocking and thought-provoking. In the piece, Swift suggests that the impoverished Irish population could alleviate their poverty by selling their children as food to the rich. While it seems absurd, Swift’s intention was to highlight the dire situation of poverty and inequality in England. He uses satire to critique the indifference of the ruling class towards the poor. As a reader, I found this proposal to be extreme and unsettling, but I understand the underlying message Swift wanted to convey. By confronting readers with such a grotesque suggestion, Swift forces us to reflect on the harsh realities of poverty and the urgent need for social change. Though it may be uncomfortable, “A Modest Proposal” remains a powerful piece of literature that serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle against poverty and inequality.


Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” offers a shocking and satirical solution to the problem of poverty in England. As a reader, I found myself both appalled and fascinated by Swift’s audacity in suggesting that Irish babies be sold and consumed as a means to alleviate poverty. While initially repulsed by the idea, it forced me to confront the harsh realities of poverty and the indifference of the ruling class towards the suffering of the poor. Swift’s use of irony and sarcasm throughout the essay exposes the inhumanity that pervades the societal structures of his time. It is clear that his proposal is not meant to be taken literally, but rather to provoke a response and shine a light on the callousness of those in power. Through his sharp wit and biting criticism, Swift challenges the reader to question the status quo and consider more compassionate approaches to poverty alleviation. While his proposal may be shocking, it serves as a powerful reminder that the problem of poverty requires urgent attention and innovative solutions.

