10 of the Best Aromatherapy Quotes

Simbi Rose
2 min readAug 28, 2017

10 Aromatherapy Quotes

Who doesn’t love quotes?

I have sticky notes stuck everywhere to keep me motivated and inspired

to be a better person holistically.

I pin quotes of all kinds on Pinterest.

It’s kind of addicting once you get started.

But at Simbi Rose it’s all about Aromatherapy

And the many ways that essential oils are integrated into our lives

to either stimulate or calm

almost any physiological or Psychological ailment.

The Physician heals, Nature makes well. — Aristotle

The body is always trying to achieve or maintain balance.

The mind, body, and spirit, whether you acknowledge it or not,

must be well balanced at all times.

There has been many studies produced on the effects of the emotions related

to the aggravation of a dis-ease.

Growing up in a culture where we depended on nature for almost everything,

oral traditions passed down about the uses of herbs, barks, dirts, and many

other curios that heal all three elements together.

The elders knew and understood that one didn’t “ walk” without the other.

So, on with the show!

Here’s 10 of the best aromatherapy quotes to get or keep you inspired.

1.“Aromatherapy is a caring, hands on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, to increase energy, to reduce the effects of stress and to restore lost balance to mind, body, and soul.” — Robert Tisserand

2.“Healing begins with an aromatic bath and daily massage.” — Hippocrates

3.“Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul.” — The Quran

4.“The earth laughs in flowers.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

5.“Humanity will be saved through the flower.” -Huvenol

6.“If you believe in Aromatherapy… it works! If you don’t believe in Aromatherapy… it works!” — Cristina Proano-Carrion

7.“Every breath is a giveaway dance between you and the plants.” -Susun Weed

8.“ Aromatherapy conveys the concept of healing with aromatic substances.” — Robert Tisserand

9.“Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.” — Ezekiel 47:12

10.“Bad smells. Bad memories. That’s because the memory is right next to the smell box inside your brain. Nothing makes you remember like a smell.” — The Mentalist

Which of the 10 are your favorite?

I love # 6 because it’s the truth.com.

How do you use aromatherapy in your daily routine?

What are your favorite oil?



Simbi Rose

Inner Clarity by working on the now. Resolve interpersonal conflicts holistically.🌺Essential Oil Junkie 🥀☘️Nature's my 1st Love