Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) limitations

And how to overcome them

Simeon Emanuilov
7 min readJun 2, 2024
Photo by Jake Weirick on Unsplash

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has emerged as a powerful architectural framework that combines the strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) with vector databases to overcome the limitations of off-the-shelf LLMs. By leveraging external data sources, RAG systems have the potential to enhance search quality, include proprietary data, and provide more accurate and contextually relevant results. However, despite their promise, RAG systems are not without their challenges and limitations.

In this article, we will explore the key limitations of RAG systems across the retrieval, augmentation, and generation phases, and discuss strategies to overcome these challenges for improved AI performance.

The original content is at UnfoldAI blog:, you can check it for more details!

Retrieval phase limitations

The retrieval phase is a critical component of RAG systems, where relevant information is fetched from external data sources based on the given query. However, this phase is prone to several limitations that can affect the accuracy and relevance of the retrieved data.

  1. Confusing different meanings — one of the primary challenges in the retrieval phase is dealing with words that have multiple meanings. For example, the word “apple” can refer to the fruit or the technology company. RAG systems might struggle to distinguish between these different meanings, leading to the retrieval of incorrect or irrelevant information.

To address this issue, advanced RAG systems can employ techniques such as word sense disambiguation, which involves analyzing the context surrounding the word to determine its intended meaning. By leveraging contextual cues and semantic knowledge, RAG systems can improve their ability to retrieve accurate and relevant information.

  1. Matching based on wrong criteria — another limitation in the retrieval phase is the tendency of RAG systems to match queries based on broad similarities rather than specific details. For instance, when searching for information on “Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG),” the system might retrieve documents that mention RAG but fail to capture the specific context or nuances of the query.

To overcome this challenge, advanced RAG systems can employ more sophisticated matching techniques, such as semantic search or query expansion. By understanding the intent behind the query and expanding it with related terms or concepts, RAG systems can improve the precision and relevance of the retrieved information.

  1. Difficulty in finding close matches — in large datasets, RAG systems may struggle to distinguish between closely related topics, resulting in less accurate matches. This limitation can be particularly problematic when dealing with niche or specialized domains where the differences between concepts may be subtle.

To address this issue, advanced RAG systems can leverage techniques such as hierarchical clustering or topic modeling to better organize and structure the data. By identifying and grouping similar concepts or topics, RAG systems can improve their ability to find close matches and retrieve more relevant information.

Augmentation Phase Limitations

The augmentation phase in RAG systems involves processing and integrating the retrieved information to enhance the response generation. However, this phase can also present challenges that impact the quality and coherence of the generated output.

  1. Inadequate augmentation — naive RAG systems may struggle to properly contextualize or synthesize the retrieved data, leading to augmentation that lacks depth or fails to accurately address the nuances of the query. This can result in generated responses that are superficial or fail to capture the full scope of the information.

To overcome this limitation, advanced RAG systems can employ techniques such as multi-hop reasoning or graph-based knowledge representation. By iteratively retrieving and integrating relevant information from multiple sources, RAG systems can build a more comprehensive understanding of the query and generate more informative and coherent responses.

Multi-Hop Traversal in RAG systems

Generation Phase Limitations

The generation phase in RAG systems involves using the augmented information to generate the final response. However, this phase can be affected by limitations in the earlier retrieval and augmentation phases, as well as other challenges specific to the generation process.

  1. Flawed or inadequate data — if the retrieved data is flawed or the augmentation is inadequate, the generation phase can produce responses that are misleading, incomplete, or contextually off-target. This limitation highlights the importance of ensuring the quality and relevance of the retrieved information and the effectiveness of the augmentation process.

To address this issue, advanced RAG systems can employ techniques such as data cleaning, filtering, and verification to ensure the integrity and reliability of the retrieved information (more). Additionally, incorporating feedback mechanisms and human-in-the-loop approaches can help identify and correct errors or inconsistencies in the generated responses.

  1. Token allowance — LLMs have a limit on the number of tokens per prompt, which can restrict how much an LLM can learn on the fly. This limitation can impact the ability of RAG systems to handle complex or lengthy queries that require extensive retrieval and augmentation.

To overcome this challenge, advanced RAG systems can employ techniques such as query decomposition or progressive generation. By breaking down complex queries into smaller sub-queries and iteratively generating partial responses, RAG systems can work within the token limits while still providing comprehensive and coherent answers.

Source: Chan, C.M., Xu, C., Yuan, R., Luo, H., Xue, W., Guo, Y. and Fu, J., 2024. RQ-RAG: Learning to Refine Queries for Retrieval Augmented Generation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.00610.
  1. Order of examples — the order in which RAG examples are presented to the LLM can impact the attention paid to different concepts, potentially affecting the response. This limitation highlights the importance of carefully curating and structuring the retrieved information to ensure a balanced and representative representation of the relevant concepts.

To address this issue, advanced RAG systems can employ techniques such as diversity-aware ranking or information salience detection. By prioritizing and ordering the retrieved examples based on their relevance, diversity, and informative value, RAG systems can ensure a more balanced and effective presentation of the information to the LLM.

Latency sensitivity

RAG systems can introduce additional latency in latency-sensitive applications compared to fine-tuned LLMs. This limitation can be particularly challenging in real-time or interactive scenarios where quick response times are critical.

To mitigate this issue, advanced RAG systems can employ techniques such as caching, pre-computation, or parallel processing. By storing frequently accessed information, pre-computing relevant features or embeddings, or leveraging distributed computing resources, RAG systems can reduce latency and improve the responsiveness of the system.

RAGCache overview, by Jin, C., Zhang, Z., Jiang, X., Liu, F., Liu, X., Liu, X. and Jin, X., 2024. RAGCache: Efficient Knowledge Caching for Retrieval-Augmented Generation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.12457.


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems offer a powerful approach to enhancing the capabilities of Large Language Models by leveraging external data sources. However, RAG systems also come with their own set of limitations and challenges across the retrieval, augmentation, and generation phases.

To unlock the full potential of RAG systems, it is crucial to address these limitations through advanced techniques and strategies. By employing approaches such as word sense disambiguation, semantic search, multi-hop reasoning, data cleaning, query decomposition, diversity-aware ranking, and latency optimization, RAG systems can overcome the challenges and provide more accurate, contextually relevant, and responsive results.

As the field of AI continues to evolve, the development of advanced RAG systems will be essential in pushing the boundaries of what is possible with generative AI. By overcoming the limitations of naive RAG approaches and leveraging the power of external data sources, RAG systems have the potential to revolutionize various domains, from information retrieval and question answering to content generation and decision support.

As we move forward, it is important to continue researching and developing innovative techniques to address the challenges and limitations of RAG systems. By doing so, we can unlock the full potential of this powerful architectural framework and pave the way for more intelligent, accurate, and context-aware AI systems that can truly augment human knowledge and capabilities.

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Simeon Emanuilov

Senior Backend Engineer in Machine Learning and Big Data space | Sharing knowledge for Python & Go programming, Software architecture, Machine Learning & AI