The best Python IDE in 2024?

Simeon Emanuilov
10 min readJun 18, 2024
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Python, the versatile and beginner-friendly programming language, has taken the world by storm. As more developers embrace Python for various applications, from web development to data science, the need for efficient and feature-rich Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) becomes increasingly apparent. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best Python IDEs available in 2024, with a special focus on PyCharm, the IDE of choice for many professional Python developers. We’ll explore the features, benefits, and considerations to help you make an informed decision and supercharge your Python development workflow.

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Understanding the difference: IDEs vs. code editors

Before we dive into the best Python IDEs, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between IDEs and code editors. While both tools facilitate the writing and editing of code, they serve different purposes.

Code editors:

  • Lightweight and focused on the core task of editing code
  • Offer basic features like syntax highlighting and code formatting
  • Examples: Sublime Text, Atom, Visual Studio Code

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):

  • Comprehensive tools that encompass the entire development lifecycle
  • Provide advanced features such as debugging, code completion, and integrated testing
  • Examples: PyCharm, Eclipse, Visual Studio

Choosing between an IDE and a code editor depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you require a feature-rich environment with extensive tools and automation, an IDE like PyCharm is the way to go. However, if you prefer a minimalistic and lightweight approach, a code editor might suffice.

Top Python IDEs in 2024

PyCharm: The Professional’s Choice PyCharm, developed by JetBrains, is a powerful and feature-packed IDE that has become the go-to choice for professional Python developers. Its intelligent code completion, error detection, and refactoring capabilities make it a productivity powerhouse.

Key Features:

  • Smart code navigation and search functionality
  • Integrated debugging and testing tools
  • Support for web development frameworks like Django and Flask
  • Version control integration (Git, SVN)
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, Linux)

PyCharm comes in two editions: Community (free and open-source) and Professional (paid with additional features). The Professional edition includes advanced features like database tools, remote development, and scientific tools, making it ideal for full-stack web development and data science projects.

Pycharm overview

Visual Studio Code: The Versatile All-Rounder Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a powerful code editor that has gained immense popularity among developers. While not strictly an IDE, VS Code offers a wide range of extensions and customization options, making it a strong contender for Python development.

Key Features:

  • Extensive library of extensions for enhanced functionality
  • Built-in Git integration for seamless version control
  • Integrated terminal for running Python scripts
  • Debugging support with breakpoints and variable inspection
  • Live Share for collaborative coding sessions

One of the strengths of VS Code is its flexibility. You can tailor the editor to your specific needs by installing extensions for Python linting, code formatting, and more. The Python extension for VS Code provides features like IntelliSense, code navigation, and debugging, making it a capable alternative to a full-fledged IDE.

Visual Studio Code overview
Visual Studio Code

Jupyter Notebook: The Data Scientist’s Companion Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive development environment that has become incredibly popular among data scientists and researchers. It allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text.

Key Features:

  • Interactive code execution and visualization
  • Support for multiple programming languages (Python, R, Julia)
  • Inline plotting and data exploration
  • Easy sharing and collaboration through notebooks
  • Integration with popular data science libraries (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib)

While Jupyter Notebook is not a traditional IDE, it provides a unique and powerful environment for data analysis, exploration, and presentation. Its ability to combine code, output, and documentation in a single notebook makes it invaluable for data-driven projects and scientific computing.

Jupyter notebook overview
Jupyter Notebook

Spyder: The Scientific Python IDE Spyder is an open-source IDE specifically designed for scientific Python development. It integrates well with popular scientific libraries like NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib, making it a solid choice for data analysis and visualization tasks.

Key Features:

  • Integrated IPython console for interactive development
  • Variable explorer and data viewer
  • Static code analysis and debugging tools
  • Built-in documentation viewer
  • Cross-platform compatibility

Spyder provides a MATLAB-like development environment, making it familiar and comfortable for users with a scientific background. Its focus on scientific computing and data analysis makes it a valuable tool for researchers and data scientists.


IDLE: The Python Beginner’s Companion IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is a basic IDE that comes bundled with Python. It offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it an excellent choice for beginners learning Python.

Key Features:

  • Syntax highlighting and auto-completion
  • Integrated Python shell for interactive testing
  • Debugger with breakpoints and stepping
  • Cross-platform compatibility

While IDLE may lack advanced features compared to other IDEs, its simplicity and accessibility make it a great starting point for Python beginners. It provides a gentle introduction to the world of Python development without overwhelming users with complex features.


Neovim is a powerful, extensible text editor that has gained significant traction among developers seeking a modernized Vim experience. As a fork of the venerable Vim editor, Neovim retains the efficiency and modal editing paradigm that Vim users love while introducing improvements in performance, extensibility, and user experience.

Key features include:

  • asynchronous plugin support
  • a built-in terminal emulator
  • Lua scripting capabilities;
  • improved default settings.

Neovim’s architecture allows for better maintainability and easier contribution, making it a dynamic and evolving platform. While not strictly an IDE, Neovim can be transformed into a robust development environment through its rich ecosystem of plugins, covering everything from language server protocol (LSP) integration to debugging tools.

The editor’s commitment to backwards compatibility ensures that most Vim plugins and configurations work seamlessly with Neovim, allowing users to transition smoothly. Its cross-platform nature supports development on Windows, macOS, and Linux, catering to a wide range of developers. Neovim’s focus on performance means it remains lightweight and responsive, even when handling large files or complex projects.

For developers who value speed, customization, and keyboard-driven workflows, Neovim offers a compelling choice in the landscape of code editors and IDEs. Its growing community continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in a text editor, making Neovim an increasingly popular option for both seasoned Vim users and newcomers alike.


Choosing the right Python IDE

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Python type of projects

With numerous Python IDEs available, selecting the right one can be a daunting task. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  1. Project requirements: Evaluate the specific needs of your Python projects. If you’re working on web development, an IDE with support for frameworks like Django or Flask would be beneficial. For data science projects, an IDE with integration for scientific libraries and notebook-style development might be more suitable.
  2. Learning curve: Consider your level of expertise and familiarity with Python. If you’re a beginner, an IDE with a gentle learning curve like IDLE or PyCharm Community Edition could be a good starting point. As you gain more experience, you can explore IDEs with advanced features and customization options.
  3. Performance and system resources: Some IDEs, like PyCharm, may have higher system requirements compared to lightweight code editors. Ensure that your development machine has sufficient resources to run the IDE smoothly, especially if you’re working on resource-intensive projects.
  4. Collaboration and team integration: If you’re working in a team, consider an IDE that facilitates collaboration and integrates well with version control systems like Git. Features like live code sharing, remote development, and code review tools can greatly enhance team productivity.
  5. Extensibility and customization: Assess your preference for extensibility and customization. Some IDEs, like Visual Studio Code, offer a vast ecosystem of extensions that allow you to tailor the development environment to your specific needs. Others, like PyCharm, provide a more integrated and curated experience out of the box.

Getting started with PyCharm

As the preferred choice for many professional Python developers, PyCharm deserves a closer look. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started with PyCharm:

Download and installation: Visit the official PyCharm website ( and download the appropriate version for your operating system. PyCharm offers both a Community Edition (free and open-source) and a Professional Edition (paid with additional features). Follow the installation instructions specific to your platform.

Creating a new project: Upon launching PyCharm, you’ll be prompted to create a new project or open an existing one. Select “Create New Project” and choose the project location and interpreter. PyCharm supports various types of projects, including pure Python, web development (Django, Flask), and scientific projects.

Configuring the Python interpreter: PyCharm allows you to manage multiple Python interpreters and virtual environments. To configure the interpreter for your project, go to “File” -> “Settings” (or “PyCharm” -> “Preferences” on macOS) and navigate to “Project: YourProjectName” -> “Python Interpreter”. Here, you can select the desired Python interpreter or create a new virtual environment.

Familiarizing yourself with the interface: Take some time to explore the PyCharm interface. The main components include:

  • Editor: Where you write and edit your Python code
  • Project view: Displays the structure and files of your project
  • Navigation bar: Provides quick access to common actions and tools
  • Tool windows: Includes the Python Console, Terminal, Version Control, and more

Writing and running code: Create a new Python file by right-clicking on your project in the Project View and selecting “New” -> “Python File”. Write your Python code in the editor and save the file. To run the code, right-click on the file and select “Run” or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+F10 on Windows/Linux, Ctrl+Shift+R on macOS).

Debugging and testing: PyCharm provides powerful debugging and testing tools. To debug your code, set breakpoints by clicking on the gutter (the area to the left of the line numbers) and select “Debug” from the right-click menu or use the keyboard shortcut (Shift+F9). The debugger allows you to step through your code, inspect variables, and identify issues.

For testing, PyCharm supports various testing frameworks like unittest and pytest. You can create test files and run them directly from the IDE.

Exploring Advanced Features: As you become more comfortable with PyCharm, explore its advanced features:

  • Code completion and navigation: PyCharm offers smart code completion and navigation tools to help you write code efficiently.
  • Refactoring: Utilize PyCharm’s refactoring capabilities to restructure your code without introducing errors.
  • Version control integration: PyCharm seamlessly integrates with version control systems like Git, making it easy to manage your codebase.
  • Database tools: The Professional Edition of PyCharm includes database tools for managing and querying databases directly from the IDE.

PyCharm provides extensive documentation and tutorials to help you make the most of its features. Take advantage of the built-in help system and online resources to deepen your understanding of the IDE.

Pycharm overview on my machine

The original & complete content is at UnfoldAI blog:


Choosing the best Python IDE is a crucial decision that can greatly impact your development workflow and productivity. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, PyCharm stands out as a top choice for professional Python developers. Its comprehensive feature set, intelligent code assistance, and extensive ecosystem make it a powerhouse for Python development.

However, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and preferences when selecting an IDE. Whether you opt for the versatility of Visual Studio Code, the data science capabilities of Jupyter Notebook, or the simplicity of IDLE, the right IDE can enhance your Python development experience and help you build remarkable applications.

Remember, an IDE is a tool to aid your development process, not a silver bullet. It’s crucial to invest time in learning the language itself, understanding best practices, and solving real-world problems. The combination of a well-chosen IDE and a strong foundation in Python will set you on the path to becoming a proficient and successful Python developer.

As the Python ecosystem continues to evolve, stay updated with the latest IDE features and extensions. Embrace the power of your chosen IDE, customize it to your liking, and let it streamline your development workflow. With the right IDE by your side, you’ll be ready to tackle any Python project that comes your way.

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Simeon Emanuilov

Senior Backend Engineer in Machine Learning and Big Data space | Sharing knowledge for Python & Go programming, Software architecture, Machine Learning & AI