Why I love using Cookiecutter Django

Embracing efficiency and best practices

Simeon Emanuilov
6 min readApr 3, 2024
Photo by Luis González Sosa on Unsplash

As a Django developer, I’m always on the lookout for tools and techniques that can streamline my development process and help me build better applications.

One such tool that has revolutionized the way I approach Django projects is Cookiecutter Django.

Before we dive in, I’d like to mention my book “Build RAG Applications with Django”. It covers Django fundamentals, advanced RAG architectures, and AI integration. The book guides you through building selfGPT, a real-world RAG application that transforms your PDFs and text files into interactive AI insights. It includes practical examples of similarity search with pgvector, OpenAI API integration, and optimization techniques. Whether you’re a machine learning engineer or a web developer new to AI, it’s an invaluable resource for creating cutting-edge RAG applications. As a bonus, you’ll receive the complete source code for selfGPT. Now, let’s get to the topic — Why I love using Cookiecutter Django?

In this article, I’ll share my experience with Cookiecutter Django and explain why it has become an indispensable part of my development toolkit.

What is Cookiecutter Django?

Cookiecutter Django is a project template or boilerplate for kickstarting Django projects quickly and efficiently.

It provides a pre-configured structure and a set of best practices that help developers get started with a solid foundation for their Django applications. Created by Daniel Roy Greenfeld, co-author of the popular book “Two Scoops of Django” Cookiecutter Django encapsulates years of experience and expertise in Django development.

The book “Two Scoops of Django”
Two Scoops of Django

Rapid project initialization

One of the primary reasons I love using Cookiecutter Django is the speed and ease with which I can initialize a new Django project. With a single command, Cookiecutter Django generates a complete project structure, including all the necessary files and configurations. This saves me a significant amount of time and effort compared to setting up a project from scratch.

Instead of manually creating directories, setting up settings files, and configuring various aspects of a Django project, Cookiecutter Django takes care of all the boilerplate code for me. I can focus on the unique aspects of my project and start building the core functionality right away.

Best practices baked In

Another compelling reason to use Cookiecutter Django is that it comes with a wealth of best practices and proven patterns built-in. The project structure generated by Cookiecutter Django follows the recommendations outlined in the “Two Scoops of Django” book, which is widely regarded as a go-to resource for Django developers.

By using Cookiecutter Django, I can be confident that my project adheres to industry standards and follows a clean, maintainable structure. The generated code is well-organized, with separate directories for apps, templates, static files, and tests. This structure promotes modularity and makes it easier to navigate and understand the codebase.

Moreover, Cookiecutter Django includes various configuration files and settings that are optimized for different environments, such as development, staging, and production. This saves me the trouble of manually configuring settings for each environment and ensures that my project is ready to deploy with minimal effort.

Extensive feature options

Cookiecutter Django offers an impressive array of feature options that cater to a wide range of project requirements. When initializing a project, I can choose from a variety of features such as user authentication, database backends, caching, and more. This flexibility allows me to tailor my project to specific needs and avoid unnecessary bloat.


For example, if my project requires user registration and authentication, I can simply select the corresponding option during project creation, and Cookiecutter Django will generate the necessary code and configurations. Similarly, if I need to integrate with a specific database or caching system, I can choose the appropriate options, and the boilerplate code will be generated accordingly.

This granular level of customization saves me time and effort in setting up these features manually. I can leverage the pre-built functionality and focus on implementing the unique aspects of my project.

Features list

  • For Django 4.2 (LTS);
  • Works with Python 3.12;
  • Renders Django projects with 100% starting test coverage;
  • Twitter Bootstrap v5. I typically add Tailwind CSS, as I liked it more;
  • 12-Factor based settings via django-environ;
  • Secure by default. Uses SSL;
  • Optimized development and production settings;
  • Registration via django-allauth;
  • Comes with custom user model ready to go;
  • Optional basic ASGI setup for Websockets;
  • Optional custom static build using Gulp or Webpack;
  • Send emails via Anymail (using Mailgun by default or Amazon SES if
  • AWS is selected cloud provider, but switchable);
  • Media storage using Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Storage or nginx;
  • Docker support using docker-compose for development and production (using Traefik with LetsEncrypt support);
  • Procfile for deploying to Heroku;
  • Instructions for deploying to PythonAnywhere;
  • Run tests with unittest or pytest;
  • Customizable PostgreSQL version;
  • Default integration with pre-commit for identifying simple issues before submission to code review.

The list is actual as of April 2024, taken from official repo: https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django

Thriving community and support

One of the great advantages of using Cookiecutter Django is the vibrant community that surrounds it. The project has a large and active user base, which means that I can tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience when I need help or guidance.

The Cookiecutter Django repository on GitHub is a hub of activity, with regular updates, bug fixes, and new features being contributed by the community. I can benefit from the collective wisdom of experienced Django developers who have used Cookiecutter Django in their own projects.

Additionally, the project maintains comprehensive documentation that guides me through the various aspects of using Cookiecutter Django. The documentation covers everything from installation and project creation to customization and deployment. If I ever get stuck or have questions, I can refer to the documentation or reach out to the community for support.

Stability and long-term maintenance

When choosing a project template or boilerplate, stability and long-term maintenance are crucial factors to consider. Cookiecutter Django has a proven track record of stability and is actively maintained by a dedicated team of contributors.

The project follows a regular release cycle, with new versions being released to incorporate the latest best practices, bug fixes, and compatibility with newer versions of Django. This ensures that my projects built with Cookiecutter Django remain up to date and secure.

Moreover, the maintainers of Cookiecutter Django are committed to backward compatibility, which means that I can upgrade my projects to newer versions of the template without breaking existing functionality. This long-term stability gives me peace of mind and allows me to focus on building my applications rather than worrying about the underlying boilerplate.


Cookiecutter Django has become an essential tool in my Django development workflow. Its ability to quickly initialize projects, enforce best practices, and provide a wide range of feature options has greatly improved my productivity and code quality.

By leveraging the expertise and experience encapsulated in Cookiecutter Django, I can kickstart my projects with confidence, knowing that I have a solid foundation to build upon. The thriving community, comprehensive documentation, and long-term stability of the project give me the support and assurance I need to tackle any Django development challenge.

If you’re a Django developer looking to streamline your development process and embrace industry best practices, I highly recommend giving Cookiecutter Django a try. It has transformed the way I approach Django projects, and I’m confident it can do the same for you.

So why not join the countless developers who have already discovered the power and efficiency of Cookiecutter Django? Start your next Django project with Cookiecutter Django and experience the joy of building applications on a foundation of best practices and proven patterns.

Oh yeah, you want to see a project build with Cookiecutter Django, here is my last project: https://similarix.com/

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Simeon Emanuilov

Senior Backend Engineer in Machine Learning and Big Data space | Sharing knowledge for Python & Go programming, Software architecture, Machine Learning & AI