Obsession of Indians settling abroad….

2 min readFeb 15, 2024

After visiting five foreign countries, I still can’t fathom why Indians are so fixated on settling abroad. However, I do recognize that about seven or eight years ago, conditions were markedly different; infrastructure, job opportunities, standard of living, and the education system were all lacking. But comparing then to now, there’s been a significant improvement. Job opportunities have surged to the extent that even those with limited education can land a decent-paying job, such as becoming a food delivery person earning at least 30k/month — remarkable, isn’t it? This demonstrates India’s recent development.

Setting aside debates over whose administration is responsible or concerns about inflation, it’s undeniable that many harbor grievances against the current government. I recall an encounter with a taxi driver who happened to be Muslim, praising the improvements in infrastructure, roads, flyovers, and connectivity to Gurgaon. Yet, in the next breath, he criticized the government, seemingly oblivious to the fact that these developments were under its watch.

Conversely, I spoke with an Indian settled in Italy who remarked on India’s considerable improvements. Having grown up here, he expressed reluctance to leave, given the positive changes. It made me smile, considering another perspective.

Then, there’s the stark contrast depicted in movies like Dunki, portraying the struggles of illegal migrants attempting to settle in foreign countries, living in deplorable conditions and performing menial jobs. It’s ironic how some Indians refuse similar work in India due to ego but readily accept it abroad.

Studying abroad or working in foreign lands is often perceived as the epitome of success. “Oh, their son is studying in London,” or “the whole family has relocated abroad (albeit by paying a hefty sum)” — these are common sentiments. But why is it that some struggle to crack India’s most challenging exams?
It seems either they lack the capability or simply seek the prestige associated with a foreign country, or they may have so much money that they can only afford foreign colleges for their offspring. Yet, it’s a notable fact that if they have amassed such wealth, it likely came from endeavors in India. Despite this, there persists an obsession with settling outside the country.

The commendable digital development we are witnessing in recent times in India is beyond imagination for people sitting outside the country. The brilliant minds behind the rise of QR-based payments, the delivery of essentials by ecommerce giants, some even claiming to deliver in 10 minutes, have brought about quintessential change. Despite having all these luxuries in India, which are often missing in foreign countries, there is still an obsession with praising foreign lands instead of acknowledging India’s achievements.

