Simi’s Tech Adventures #6: 2018 in review

Simi Awokoya
2 min readDec 16, 2018


At the WeareTechWomen Conference in November 2018

Long time, no update! I haven’t been great with blogging my adventures on medium this year but I managed to document everything through pictures or other means. So here we go!

Witty Careers partnered with 4 companies to host Tech workshops for BME women! So proud of what Witty Careers achieved this year. Read more about what we got up to here:
I was on several panels this year- sharing my journey in the Tech industry so far and discussing how to make Tech more inclusive. Top photo is from the Tech for Britain conference and bottom photo is from the Microsoft’s Tech Days online interview during London Tech week.
Virgin featured me as a guest writer on their website. Check out the article I wrote here:
Did I already say I was on several panels this year? Here are more photos! Top left is from the Wonder women tech conference , Bottom left is from the Let’s talk Tech conference by Photo on the right is from the Fearless Female Founders event by Hatch Enterprises.
I presented at Facebook London during Black History Month. I gave a lightening talk on the Witty Careers story. My friend was in the audience and recorded my talk, so you can watch the clip above if you missed it!
I gave some Tech talks this year on Artificial Intelligence. For my day job, I work with Tech companies building AI software. I got a couple of opportunities to speak about AI and some hot topics(specifically around inclusive design for AI). Top photo is at the AND Digital conference, bottom left is at the Women who code meetup at the City mapper office and the bottom right is at Transport for London.
I was featured in the Financial times as one of the Top 100 most influential Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) leaders in the UK Tech sector. Read more here:
This is a selfie from the One Week Hackathon in Seattle and 2 of the many cool posters that I spotted while I was there!

The next update from me will be in 2019! Enjoy the rest of the year and be epic :)



Simi Awokoya

Software Engineer turned Cloud Solution Architect. Founder of Witty Careers ( Forbes 30 Under 30 Technology 2019