How to find crypto arbitrage opportunities

Arbitrage Trade
5 min readJan 9, 2023


Crypto arbitrage is a method of earning on the exchange of digital assets. The investor finds two exchanges with different rates of tokens or coins. Then he buys cryptocurrency where it is cheaper and transfers assets to the second platform. After that, the investor makes a deal in the opposite direction. With the right choice of exchanges and trading pairs, each transaction can bring more than 5% profit. But for this, you need to find crypto arbitrage opportunities in time.

How to make money on cryptocurrency arbitrage

This way of earning does not require any market analysis of quotes. You need to:

  • Make a deposit on 2 crypto exchanges. For starters, it could be Binance and Bityx.
  • Wait until there is a difference of several percent between the rates of one currency on these platforms.
  • Buy tokens or coins where they cost less.
  • Transfer these assets to the second exchange as soon as possible.
  • Sell ​​them on the second platform. The received profit can be added to the deposit or withdrawn.

How to Find Arbitrage Opportunities

The most common method is a manual analysis of quotes. An investor looks at the rates of cryptocurrencies on several exchanges, comparing in his mind or using a calculator the difference in exchange rates.

The main advantage of searching for crypto arbitrage opportunities on your own is that you do not need to look for automatic services. Cryptoarbitragebot is available only after paying for a subscription. At the same time, any automatic service can fail in quotes and miss a profitable opportunity, or, on the contrary, indicate an outdated rate. Therefore, investing in a cryptoarbitragebot subscription does not always pay off.

Automatic services for finding arbitrage opportunities

These are sites, chats, and programs where you can find up-to-date quotes on different exchanges. Some scanners are available for free. Others require a one-time or monthly subscription.

We advise you to start earning on arbitrage, looking for profitable deals manually. So it will be easier to learn how to look for opportunities and cryptocurrency exchanges with the biggest difference in quotes. You should connect scanners or arbitrage bots only after you have practiced in quickly opening orders and transferring assets between platforms.

Why crypto arbitrage is more profitable than regular trading

The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Quotes of tokens and coins can change by tens of percent per day. With a successful trade, a trader can make huge profits. But buying crypto assets often brings a loss. It is impossible to predict exactly in which direction the chart will move. Many beginners buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Ripple during the growth. But immediately after that, the trend changes, and digital assets start to fall in price. As a result, the trader loses investments.

Cryptocurrency arbitrage is more profitable since the profit practically does not depend on the mood of other market participants. Even if the rate of a token or a coin falls, you can manage to close a deal with profit. Therefore, with the right choice of the moment to enter a deal, the investor receives a stable daily income.


Cryptocurrency arbitrage is a method of earning on the difference in quotes of tokens and coins on several platforms. An investor buys assets on one exchange and immediately sells them on another. As a result, one transaction can bring 5% or more profit.

The best way to learn crypto arbitrage is to look for profitable opportunities manually. It is enough to create accounts on two exchanges, such as Binance and Bityx, and wait until there is a difference between the quotes on them.

With the right actions, cryptocurrency arbitrage can bring high and stable profits. Unlike trading, this method does not involve the risk of losing a deposit due to the volatility of digital assets.

Have you tried to make money on cryptocurrency arbitrage? Tell us about your experience in the comments…

Reviews and questions

Yes, I tried. The most difficult thing here is to find an exchange with a good exchange rate and low withdrawal limits. I recommend Phemex, ByBit, Bityx. I do not advise Coinbase, I was banned there.

I have been arbitrating for almost a month. Net income was about 30%. Probably, profit depends on ur experience.

What can you say about the method called a triangle?

An arbitrage triangle is a way of earning, in which an investor consistently conducts several transactions on the same exchange, and thus makes a profit. Triangle is a more complex method, we advise beginners to earn money using a simpler algorithm.

Thank you! Totally agree with you! I myself am looking for good deals only by hand.

Isn’t that considered as a scam?

If you mean arbitration, then no. You are looking for profitable trading opportunities. Arbitrage has nothing to do with scam and is not a violation of the rules of most exchanges.

I earn $200-$2000 per month. It all depends on the market situation. The stronger the volatility, the more opportunities for arbitrage.

Thanks for the information. I’m going to try, while I’m only saving up capital.

How much should each trade bring? I have not yet found exchanges where the rate would differ by more than 1%.

Check out high-volatility platforms like Bityx. There are opportunities to sell cryptocurrencies for 3–6% more. Arbitrage is not suitable for those who want to double their deposit in a day. But getting a few percent from each transaction is real.

Read also:

What is arbitrage

Guide to cryptocurrency arbitrage (Published in Trading Data Analysis)

Crypto arbitrage: make money without delving into stock analysis (Published in Coinmonks)



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