The Surprising Benefits of Playing Chess: Strategy, Critical Thinking, and Patience

Simmons Philip
3 min readNov 25, 2023


Chess is a game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries. It is a game that requires strategy, critical thinking, and patience. While many people may see it as just a board game, chess has surprising benefits that can improve various aspects of your life. In this article, we will explore some of the unexpected advantages of playing chess.


Chess is a game of strategy. Each move you make has consequences, and you must think several steps ahead to outmaneuver your opponent. This constant need to plan and strategize has real-life applications.

In business, for example, chess teaches you the importance of coming up with a clear plan and considering all possible outcomes. It teaches you to think strategically, analyze the situation, and make calculated moves. The ability to think several steps ahead can greatly enhance your decision-making skills and help you become a more effective leader.

Chess also helps improve problem-solving skills. By playing chess regularly, you are training your brain to think critically and find creative solutions to complex problems. You learn to identify patterns, evaluate different options, and make informed decisions. These problem-solving skills can be applied to various areas of your life, such as work, personal relationships, and even daily tasks.

Critical Thinking

One of the key advantages of playing chess is the development of critical thinking skills. During a game of chess, players must constantly analyze the board, assess the strengths and weaknesses of each piece, and make decisions based on this information.

This constant evaluation and analysis help improve your critical thinking abilities. You learn to think logically, consider all possible outcomes, and make informed decisions. Chess players are trained to look beyond the surface and think strategically, which can be particularly helpful in situations that require complex problem-solving.

Chess also helps enhance your concentration and focus. During a game, you need to pay close attention to the board, anticipate your opponent’s moves, and stay alert throughout the entire gameplay. Regular practice of chess can help train your brain to stay focused and improve your ability to concentrate on tasks for extended periods.


Chess is a game that requires patience. Each move takes time and careful consideration. You need to be patient and not rush into making impulsive moves that may have negative consequences.

By playing chess, you develop patience and learn to be more thoughtful in your decision-making process. This skill is valuable not only in the game but also in various aspects of life. Patience allows you to approach challenges with a calm and composed mindset, enabling you to make better choices and avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Moreover, chess teaches players to embrace failure and learn from their mistakes. Losing a game of chess can be frustrating, but it offers valuable lessons. You learn to analyze your moves, understand your weaknesses, and improve your strategy for future games. This ability to embrace failure and learn from it is an essential life skill that can lead to personal growth and development.


It is clear that playing chess offers numerous surprising benefits beyond just being a recreational activity. The game helps develop strategic thinking, critical thinking, and patience. These skills are not only valuable in the game itself but can also be applied to various aspects of life, such as work, problem-solving, and decision-making.

If you are looking for a fun and challenging activity that can enhance your cognitive abilities, chess is an excellent choice. Whether you are playing casually with friends or competing in tournaments, chess offers a unique opportunity to sharpen your mind and improve your overall cognitive skills.

So, why not start playing chess today? Visit Toysocity to find the perfect chess set and start reaping the surprising benefits of this ancient game.

