Get real influencers reviews with REVIEWHUNT

Simon Pang
2 min readJun 1, 2019


If you have a product or a service which you would like real influencers to review, you should get yourself signup for the latest platform REVIEWHUNT where you would be able to receive double the review credit if you signup now.


There already is a community of hunters which have connected their social networks ready to start reviewing your products or services at launch. These are the current reach which you could potentially reach with being an early adopter of REVIEWHUNT

With almost 590k of marketing budget being pledge by over 70 companies, you could also signup to be a reviewer and participate in the platform as an influencer and be rewarded for your participation.

For almost a year now, hunters on the STEEMHUNT platform has been consistently rewarded for their efforts and being the same team behind STEEMHUNT platform, REVIEWHUNT would be equally just as great of a platform once it launches in July 2019

There is nothing stronger then influencer marketing as you will be able to reach a wider audience which may also lead to higher conversions.

Having an influencer marketing platform is considered as one of the best strategies to grow your business and also brand expansion especially in 2019.

So signup as either a Reviewer or a Maker today, you’ve not absolutely nothing to lose.

Originally published at on June 1, 2019.

