How to deliver an Agile Scrum project

Simon Goodchild
6 min readFeb 3, 2023


As the most popular framework is Scrum, for now I will focus on Scrum and the typical approach to delivery.

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To deliver an Agile Scrum project, follow these steps:

  1. Start with a clear and defined product backlog, which contains all the work items needed to deliver the final product.
  2. Form a self-organizing and cross-functional Scrum team, consisting of a Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team.
  3. Conduct daily Scrum stand-up meetings to review progress, discuss obstacles, and plan for the next day.
  4. Conduct sprint planning sessions to determine what can be accomplished in the next sprint and create a sprint backlog.
  5. Conduct the sprint, during which the team works to complete the items in the sprint backlog.
  6. Conduct a sprint review to demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders and gather feedback.
  7. Conduct a sprint retrospective to reflect on the sprint and identify ways to improve the process in the future.
  8. Repeat these steps until the product backlog is fully delivered and the project is complete.

It’s important to note that Agile Scrum is an iterative and adaptive approach, so be open to making changes as needed based on feedback from the team and stakeholders.

The approach to delivering an Agile Scrum project

What do you need to do before starting?

Before starting an Agile Scrum project, you need to:

  1. Define the product vision and goals, including what the end product should deliver and who the target audience is.
  2. Identify stakeholders, including the product owner, development team, and any other individuals or groups who will be impacted by the project.
  3. Establish a clear definition of done, which outlines the criteria that must be met before work items can be considered complete.
  4. Assemble a cross-functional and self-organizing Scrum team, consisting of a Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.
  5. Establish a collaborative working environment, with clear communication channels and shared ownership of the project.
  6. Determine the timeline and budget for the project, including the length of each sprint and the resources available for the team.
  7. Identify any potential risks or obstacles that may impact the project, and plan for how to mitigate or address them.

By doing these preparations, you will set a solid foundation for your Agile Scrum project and increase the chances of delivering a successful product.

What are the key ceremonies?

For ceremonies, think meetings, often also referred to as events.

In Agile Scrum, there are several ceremonies that help structure the work and ensure that everyone is on the same page. The main ceremonies are:

  1. Sprint Planning: A meeting held at the beginning of each sprint to determine what can be delivered in the upcoming sprint and create a sprint backlog.
  2. Daily Scrum (Stand-up): A brief daily meeting where team members share what they worked on yesterday, what they plan to work on today, and any obstacles they are facing.
  3. Sprint Review: A meeting held at the end of each sprint to review and demonstrate the work that was completed, gather feedback from stakeholders, and review progress towards the product vision.
  4. Sprint Retrospective: A meeting held at the end of each sprint to reflect on the past sprint and identify ways to improve the process for the next sprint.
  5. Backlog Refinement: A continuous process where the product backlog is reviewed, updated, and refined to ensure it accurately reflects the current state of the project and the priorities of the team.

By participating in these ceremonies, the team can ensure that everyone is on the same page, progress is tracked, and obstacles are addressed in a timely manner.

What are the key roles in Scrum?

There are three key roles in Scrum:

  1. Product Owner: The person responsible for representing the stakeholders and defining the product backlog. The Product Owner is the voice of the customer and is accountable for the return on investment of the project.
  2. Scrum Master: The facilitator who helps the team understand and follow the Scrum framework. The Scrum Master is responsible for removing obstacles and promoting the adoption of Scrum.
  3. Development Team: The cross-functional and self-organizing team responsible for delivering the product increment. The Development Team is responsible for delivering high-quality work and is accountable for the outcome of the project.

Each of these roles has specific responsibilities and is critical to the success of the project. A strong and effective Scrum team requires clear understanding and alignment of the roles and responsibilities of each member.

How does the Sprint (iteration) work?

A sprint is a time-boxed iteration in Scrum during which a usable and potentially releasable product increment is delivered. The sprint cycle is typically 1–4 weeks long (2 weeks is most common) and is designed to promote continuous improvement and rapid delivery.

Here’s how a sprint works:

  1. Sprint Planning: The team holds a sprint planning meeting to determine what can be delivered in the upcoming sprint and create a sprint backlog. The team reviews the product backlog, selects items to be delivered in the sprint, and estimates the effort required to complete each item.
  2. Sprint Execution: The team works on the items in the sprint backlog and holds daily Scrum meetings to share progress and coordinate efforts. The team also holds regular backlog refinement sessions to update and refine the product backlog as needed.
  3. Sprint Review: At the end of the sprint, the team holds a sprint review meeting to demonstrate the work that was completed, gather feedback from stakeholders, and review progress towards the product vision. The team may also plan for the next sprint based on the feedback received.
  4. Sprint Retrospective: After the sprint review, the team holds a sprint retrospective meeting to reflect on the past sprint, identify ways to improve the process, and plan for the next sprint.

By following this sprint cycle, the team can rapidly deliver high-quality product increments, continuously improve their process, and ensure that everyone is aligned and on the same page.

What do you do at the end of the project?

At the end of a project, there are several key steps to wrap up and ensure a successful outcome:

  1. Review and Evaluate the Project: Review the project to determine what worked well and what could have been done better. Document lessons learned and make recommendations for future projects.
  2. Close Out Contracts and Relationships: Ensure that all contracts and relationships with suppliers and stakeholders are formally closed out and any outstanding issues are resolved.
  3. Release the Product: Hand over the product to the stakeholders and ensure that it is properly deployed and operational. Provide training and support as needed to ensure that the product is used effectively.
  4. Celebrate Success: Celebrate the success of the project with the team and stakeholders. Acknowledge the hard work and contributions of everyone involved.
  5. Archiving: Store project documents, artifacts, and archives in a secure and organized manner for future reference.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the project is properly closed out, the product is successfully released, and everyone involved is recognized for their hard work and contributions. This can help build a positive legacy for the project and set the stage for future success.

Wrapping Up

Agile Scrum is a project management framework used to deliver high-quality products in a rapidly changing environment.

It uses time-boxed sprints to deliver usable and potentially releasable increments, with key events such as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, and Backlog Refinement to structure work and ensure everyone is on the same page.

The key roles in Scrum are Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.

By following this framework, teams can deliver high-quality products, continuously improve their process, and ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

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Simon Goodchild

Simon is a Programme Manager with Trustmarque, with a passion for Agile.