Why a Roadmap is critical in Agile

Simon Goodchild
5 min readFeb 19, 2023


A product roadmap is a visual, high-level plan that outlines the key features, priorities, and goals for a product over a specific period of time, usually several months to a few years. It serves as a guide for the development team to ensure that they are working towards the same objectives and that the product is moving in the right direction.

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The roadmap typically includes a timeline, major milestones, and a list of features or improvements that are planned for the product. It may also include information about market research, user feedback, and other factors that influenced the decision-making process.

A Product Roadmap provides clarity, alignment, focus and aids communication and collaboration

Clarity and Alignment

A roadmap helps provide clarity and alignment to the development team, stakeholders, and customers about the direction and priorities of the product. It ensures everyone is on the same page about what needs to be built, when it needs to be built, and why.

Let’s say you are part of a development team working on a new e-commerce website. Without a roadmap, you might have different ideas about what features to prioritize and what the end goal of the website is. But with a roadmap in place, everyone on the team knows that the priority is to launch the website in six months, and that the first milestone is to build a user registration system. This clarity and alignment ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them, and what the team is working towards.

Focus and efficiency

A roadmap provides focus to the team, ensuring that they are working on the most important features and improvements that will deliver the most value to the users and the business. This helps to ensure that time and resources are used efficiently, leading to faster development and better outcomes.

Imagine you are working on a mobile app that needs to be updated every quarter. There are a lot of features that could be added, but time and resources are limited. With a roadmap in place, the team can prioritize the features that will provide the most value to users and the business, and ensure that they are working on the most important features first. This focus on the most important features helps to ensure that the team is working efficiently and delivering value to users and the business.

Communication and collaboration

A roadmap serves as a communication tool between the development team, stakeholders, and customers. It helps to foster collaboration and discussion, ensuring that everyone has a say in the direction of the product and its development. This can lead to better decision-making, and a greater sense of ownership and buy-in from everyone involved.

Consider a team developing a new project management software. They have a roadmap that includes features such as team collaboration tools and time tracking capabilities. The roadmap is shared with stakeholders, including the marketing team, who suggests adding a feature that would integrate with Google Drive. The development team reviews the suggestion and decides to add it to the roadmap. This collaboration ensures that everyone’s input is considered, and the final product will meet the needs of all stakeholders.

How does a Roadmap compare to a Gantt chart?

A product roadmap and a Gantt chart are both project management tools, but they serve different purposes and are used in different contexts.

A product roadmap is a high-level plan that outlines the key features, priorities, and goals for a product over a specific period of time. It is typically used to communicate the strategic vision for the product to stakeholders and team members. The roadmap usually shows a timeline with milestones and major features, but it doesn’t provide a detailed breakdown of tasks or resources required to complete those features.

A Gantt chart, on the other hand, is a detailed project management tool that shows a timeline of all the tasks that need to be completed to achieve a specific goal. It breaks down the project into individual tasks, assigns resources to those tasks, and shows the dependencies between tasks. It is used to track progress and ensure that the project stays on schedule.

So while a product roadmap and a Gantt chart both use a timeline to visualize a project’s progress, they are used for different purposes. The roadmap provides a strategic overview of the product’s direction, while the Gantt chart provides a detailed plan for executing the project. In some cases, a product roadmap may include a high-level Gantt chart to show the expected delivery dates of major features, but the two tools are not interchangeable.

Would you ever use a Gantt chart in Agile?

Agile development methodologies, such as Scrum, emphasize flexibility and adaptability to change, so the use of traditional project management tools like Gantt charts may not always be appropriate or necessary. However, there may be some situations where a Gantt chart can be helpful in an Agile context.

One example is when there are external dependencies that need to be managed. A Gantt chart can be used to track the progress of work being done by other teams or contractors that your team depends on, and to ensure that your team’s work is synchronized with theirs.

Another example is when the project has a fixed end date, such as a product launch or a regulatory deadline. In such cases, a Gantt chart can help to ensure that the team is progressing towards the end goal at an appropriate pace, and to identify any potential delays or issues that could impact the final delivery date.

However, in most cases, Agile teams prefer to use more lightweight tools such as Scrum boards or Kanban boards to track their work and progress. These tools allow the team to prioritize and manage their work in real-time, and to adapt their plans as needed based on feedback and changing requirements. They also encourage collaboration and communication within the team, which is an important aspect of Agile development.

Wrapping up

A product roadmap provides a high-level plan for a product, outlining key features, priorities, and goals over a specific period of time. It is a helpful tool in Agile development, providing clarity and alignment for team members and stakeholders, and allowing for focus and efficiency in the development process. A product roadmap also promotes communication and collaboration, ensuring input from all stakeholders is considered, and the final product meets everyone’s needs.

Compared to Gantt charts, product roadmaps are more flexible and better suited to Agile methodologies that emphasise adaptability to change. Gantt charts are more detailed and used for tracking progress and managing dependencies.

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Simon Goodchild

Simon is a Programme Manager with Trustmarque, with a passion for Agile.