Image by David Bruyland from Pixabay

The rise of the Holy Schlub and the demolition of experts

Thought in the Crossfire
7 min readMar 23, 2019


A “Holy Schlub” is a messianic figure found more and more often in our popular culture.

Their divine ability is not to turn water into wine but rather to turn ignorance into profundity.

They follow their guts and solve problems with “common sense” often showing up experts.

These figures are fun, and I find them as amusing as anyone else.

But I am also concerned.

In 2016 Michael Gove quit his job as UK secretary of state for justice to help lead the Brexit ‘Vote Leave’ campaign.

In a now-famous interview on Sky News he told host Faisal Islam the British public had “had enough of experts”.

“I’m not asking the British public to trust me, I’m asking the British public to trust themselves,” he said.

“I’m asking the British public to take back control.”

That same year the BBC sent reporters to dozens of Trump rallies to interview his growing supporter base.



Thought in the Crossfire

I make videos about communication, media, politics, and thinking.