Website Re-design: Vin Diemen

Simona Razmoska
3 min readAug 21, 2021


Vin Diemen’s current website feels crowded and overloaded with content. Large chunks of text can be found on every page, and the font is quite small, making it difficult to read. The information given is relevant, however because there is so much of it, the user may feel overwhelmed and overlook important information. Currently there are no design elements to help enhance the visuals on the website. With such a minimal approach to the overall design, Vin Diemen feels bland and outdated. The small amount of visuals that are available are low in resolution and therefore quality.

Navigating through the website is difficult and confusing to follow. Too many pages are cross-linked back and forth, which may confuse users. Therefore, a simpler structure is needed in order for better user experience. Colours used throughout the site are reflective of their current logo, however they do not align with the brand of Vin Diemen as a social event for wine lovers. A richer colour palette can be used to elevate the brand. The website also does not encourage social interaction with its users. A few links to their social media pages are present, however, there is not much more opportunity beyond that.

Current website:

Current Vin Diemen Home Page

I aim to re-design the website into a sophisticated and intuitive site, in order to appeal to the target demographic. After many iterations, the proposed new Vin Diemen website encompasses a sleek and rich feel to elevate the visual aesthetics.

Home Page

In the final iteration of the website, a Teal and beige are used as the primary colours as a way to simplify and sophisticate the visual aspects, in order to attract the target audience. The Home page encompasses more text as a way to inform the user further about Vin Diemen, as the old website had limited information. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) was considered here, with keywords added into the paragraphs such as, ‘wine, Tasmania, taste, tour and experience.’

Blog Page

The ‘read more’ buttons open a new page, where the entire blog post can be found.

Event Page

The event page titles have been stylised to contrast for user readability and stand out against body text and imagery.

About Page

The About section introduces REVEL as the main sponsor for Vin Diemen, while informing the user about the brand itself. The information also cross-links other REVEL events in a natural manner, as a way of cross-promotion. Google algorithms will favour this as it feels organic and subtle.

