How to differentiate B2B and B2C?

Evan lu
2 min readJul 12, 2022


The terms B2B and B2C may be familiar to you if you frequently browse the Internet. Are you interested in them or did you just glance at them? The crucial distinctions between the two will be thoroughly examined in this article.


The term “business-to-business” (B2B) designates a corporation that offers goods or services to other enterprises. The term “business-to-consumer” (B2C) is one in that an enterprise does its business directly with customers.

With one catering to corporations and the other to direct-to-consumer customers, they are two distinct business models. The target market is the main distinction between B2B and B2C.


Here is a straightforward example to clarify the difference between the B2B and B2C business formats. Say you run a clothing factory and have 10,000 items available for purchase. You must select if you will pursue a B2B or B2C strategy.

If you go the B2B route, you must locate a store that will purchase your clothing at wholesale prices. This might be a department store or a clothing store. You will provide these parties with wholesale clothing at a reduced cost, and they will ultimately sell it to customers.

It is necessary to set up your own apparel stand if you select B2C. You personally sell clothing to consumers at this clothing stand. While it takes more time, you can charge more for the clothes if you choose to do this.


Therefore, which is better B2B or B2C should be based on your needs. Your goals, infrastructure, and sector determine which model is appropriate for your company. If you want to look at B2B e-commerce platforms, try Trade Global. It is positioned to use the Internet to offer Chinese-made products to worldwide buyers by providing e-commerce services of Chinese products to the world.

