How to install GnuPG and GPG Suite on macOS

Simon Connah
1 min readAug 4, 2023

GnuPG (or gpg) is a security tool that manages public and private key pairs and allows users to encrypt data using someone else’s public key. By doing so, only the person who holds the corresponding private key can read the content of the message.

Installing GnuPG is easy on macOS. You can download it using the popular macOS package management tool called Homebrew. To install it, follow the instructions on this page:

Once you have installed Homebrew, just run the following commands in the Terminal:

brew update
brew upgrade
brew install gnupg

That is all you need to do! You now have the gpg command line tool to manage you GnuPG installation.

If you want a GUI tool to help using GnuPG then I recommend installing GPG Suite. You can do so by downloading it here:

And following the installation instructions as normal on macOS. That is all that is needed to get fully up and running on macOS with GnuPG.



Simon Connah

Simon Connah is a massive fan of technology, mental health and science in general. I will blog about a wide range of things.