Why Muslims are NOT bloodthirsty Evil Jihadists

Simon Weiner CGMA
3 min readDec 19, 2015

By now, we all know that a Presidential candidate suggested banning some Muslims from travelling to the US .

Somehow Muslims, in some people’s minds and mistakenly, have been equated with Evil Jihadists.

The word Jihadist is connected with Murder and Martyrdom. However, when we translate the word Jihadist into English and it generally means fanatic (of a certain persuasion), we realize there have been many evil Western Fanatics throughout Western history too.

From history, he know that: -

·Fanatical Catholics were killing Muslims in the name of God for many centuries especially during the Crusades

·Fanatical Catholics burnt and killed Protestants during the Reformation

·Fanatical Christians killed over 6 million Jews

·Fanatical Klu Klux Klan groups killing African Americans indiscriminately.

The point here is that Countries, Peoples, Religions are not evil per se, but it is some individual leaders and their fanatical following that can be.

Fanatical People are even NOT Evil themselves either. Just look at the Catholic Pope Francis, who is clearly Fanatical about the Catholic Faith and transforming the Catholic Church, but somehow you can’t see him in the role of the Spanish Inquisitor during the Spanish Inquisition (torturing and murdering without mercy). Gordon Ramsey is clearly Fanatical about Cooking, but you couldn’t imagine him willingly slicing off the heads off people.

It is people that create the Evil themselves and they can be from any background (country, culture, religion, wealth etc.)

In the US for instance you only have to look at shootings at US schools to realize that these can be carried out by White Evil Americans too.

So we have come to the point that Color and Religion does not matter, but Evil does and has to be dealt with. But how?

And this is when the going gets tough.

Does the old saying, ‘the better the devil you know that the devil you don’t’ come to mind?

When Evil Saddam Hussein (from Iraq) was removed from power, did that really help the Iraqi people or even the Middle Eastern Arabs or did it just produce a much bigger Evil? Today the answer is quite clear and Iraq should have been left well alone.

The same can be said for Evil Gadaffi (from Libya) and for the Evil Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Fortunately, wise President Obama knows all of this and this is why he is stepping very warily (although unfortunately not all the US people appreciate this, as in reality he is doing them a favor by not pursuing another un-winnable Vietnamese type war.)

So what is NOT the Answer?

Creating divisions between communities based on faith is really not going to help solve this evil people problem as it is clearly not faith related and anyone that suggests otherwise needs to demonstrate this with objective statistics rather than political stir mongering.

Keeping Evil fanatics off US territory is not going to work as no border is 100% secure and Evil Fanatics can anyway be home grown in every community and faith.

Latest attempts of introducing democracy into Syria to reduce terror will NOT work as well as it hasn’t in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Does the US Administration LEARN from history?

Western Democracies are not able to stomach the real Answer to this question and that is why they are courting bogeyman Russian President Putin for the solution. It won’t be pleasant.

And now it is OVER TO YOU for your Viewpoint.

Originally published at simonweiner.blogspot.com on December 19, 2015.



Simon Weiner CGMA

#Author of Supercharge Your Business @ http://simonweiner.info Passionate about #Health and #Food, #GreenEnergy Environmental Solutions, and #Innovation