How to Get What You Want?

Simone Franchi
3 min readJun 7, 2017



In this article we are going to explore how you can get what you want and why many times you might get what you don’t want.

This is a question that i usually ask to my clients in my life and personal development coaching sessions.


Most of the times the answer is that i receive is what the person doesn’t want.

Let say that a person doesn’t want to smoke anymore and the mantra for her is:

I want to stop smoking. The repeated message to brain comes with the attention to smoking.

So the person is focusing on smoking which is what doesn’t want anymore instead of focusing on what she wants instead.

We consciously want something but subconsciously create something else.

The subconscious mind doesn’t recognise between positive and negative, it just get the message that it gets and operates to give you more of what you ask for. Also if the thought is mixed with an emotion, it charges itself creating a feeling. The person that is focusing onto stop smoking, will probably think about how bad she is feeling when she smokes and that feeling creates more thinking of the same kind, resulting in smoking more and feeling bad about it, also creating a possible state of failure and low self esteem for keeping doing it.

Given all of that, how can a person escape the circle of thought , emotion, feeling and state?


1: State in a positive and short statement WHAT you want

2: Relax you mind and imagine HOW it will feel, look and sound like when you achieved it

3: Define WHY you want it

Work on a positive mantra that you can use and repeat to yourself stated in the present.

It has to be short to that it is easy to be repeated and imprinted in your subconscious mind.

Be specific on what you want.

Create a feeling like you have already achieved it, in your mind eye design your goal with yourself in the desire environment.

To have the understanding of why you want it, is to dig into the meaning, which will drive your motivation. Even in this case use a positive statement, want it for positive reasons.

The more you practice this process the more you will strengthen your creativity, the more it will come more vivid and closer to your subconscious, the more will start appearing in your reality. It is a creative process, we create our reality any moment by what we hold in our mind.

As you probably know, many successful athletes practice visualising relaxing as much as they train.

If you don’t know google about Michael Phelps, world champion swimmer.

To achieve your goals more effectively, to redesign your life by changing your thinking engage to a personal development coach.

In my coaching practice i offer an objective perspective and challenging partnership to create your new self.



Simone Franchi

A personal life coach that listens to you in a way that you might not have experienced before. Visit my website at