The wheel, fire, the Internet, and Bitcoin.

Financial Privilege
2 min readJun 5, 2023

Foundations and marketing teams of new coins will try to convince you that Bitcoin is old tech and that something new will flip it, maybe casually exactly the coin they are developing.

It is possible that out of 20 thousand blockchain projects could be one proof of work meme coin built on its own chain with no pre-mine but at the same time, it’s almost impossible not to say that is easy to get the hash power needed to make it already centralized nowadays.

As the wheel and the fire had, with the same fate humanity has been reshaped by the Internet and Bitcoin is about to reach the next step, no matter how hard you fight back or if it will take 10 or 100 years in the future we will be using digital currency and Bitcoin is the best-engineered money ever created not present in the periodic table of elements.

“Absolute mathematical scarcity achieved by consensus in a sufficiently decentralized distributed network was a discovery rather than an invention.”

Bitcoin discovers resistance to replicability.

Discoveries rather than inventions, meaning that all the technology built on top of the wheel or on top of the fire converges to enhance their main usage. Like the web browsers and applications built on top of the internet to help its indexing, new technology is continuously built on top of Bitcoin to let it become the final layer of money.

As we have one type of wheel, one type of fire, and one type of information center the Internet, it’s natural thinking also that we will have one type of money because the strongest system takes over all others.

“Every day that does by and Bitcoin hasn’t collapsed increases the chance of eventual success on justifies a higher price.” Hal Finney | June 4, 2011

This technology will never die, the gene is already out of the bottle.



Financial Privilege

Bitcoin in small topics, passioned about the past to understand better the future