Time-travel hypnosis & fortunetelling

Simone Grace
2 min readOct 16, 2018


It’s a funny thing.

We go to the fortuneteller, or flip the cards ourselves, to find an answer to the problem…

But the ‘problem’ changes, or resolves completely all by itself simply when we change our perspective.

So then what happens to the “answer” that is given?

Do you ever have that experience where you recall a conversation you had with a friend, or maybe read an old diary entry, or even look back at your new year’s resolutions, and think, “strange what I used to agonize about…”

A friend of mine, a mother of two, posted a picture of herself in college, saying, “I can’t believe I used to think I needed to lose weight…”

Speaking of college, I used to spend most of my time thinking, “are my grades good enough? Am I good enough? … and now I can barely remember my grade point average.

I’m willing to bet most of your problems worked themselves out.

Or you began to see them differently.

Or at least upgraded themselves to a different, better set of problems.

Let’s think about the kinds of problems we bring to the divination table.

I approach every reading with this idea that the given ‘problem’ is not a problem at all.

(Even as I sympathize with it feeling like a problem…)

I see it as a story to get curious about.

A story has many parts, many actors, many dimensions.

“Ah, so you just lost your job.”

That’s Act Two. What comes in Act Three? What comes in Act Four that we can’t even foresee right now? Will any of our current assumptions even hold?

“Ah, so you wonder if your boyfriend still loves you…”

I wonder if you’ll even remember his name in Act Five of this play…

What happens when you fast forward to a time when you see all of your current problems already solved?

What happens when you imagine the future that is sure to come, when you are a different version of yourself, having learned all there is to learn about this experience?

What would Future You advise you about what to pay attention to in the present moment?

How does that expand and titillate your vision?

How does that change your reading?



Simone Grace

Clinical hypnotist & fortuneteller, writing about hypnosis and tarot