My Top 10 Books of 2019

Simone Mezzabotta
11 min readJan 3, 2020

A reading list to enrich your life

“ Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.” ( Anne Herbert)

In 2019, I read more than 15,000 pages across 48 books.

Although I finished my book-wormish year seven books behind schedule, I still flipped through many masterpieces. Some of them were classics, some other pleasant surprises, but, all in all, I can say that 2019 was a fantastic year in terms of quality.

Today I’d like to share with you my top 10 books of 2019, divided into fiction and non-fiction.


Stendhal — The Charterhouse of Parma

“Fabrice was too intelligent not to feel that he had a great deal to atone for.”

Written by Marie-Henri Beyle, best known as Stendhal, ‘Le Chartreuse de Parme’ was firstly published in 1839.

As the title suggests, the novel is set mainly in the court of Parma in the early 19th Century. The story revolves around the life of Fabrice Del Dongo, a young aristocrat and ardent admirer of Napoleon. After he has fought – and lost – at Waterloo, he comes back to Parma, where he joins the Church to match his ambitions.



Simone Mezzabotta

SciencesPo master’s student passionate about politics, diplomacy, history, and international relations. “Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto” (Terentius)