Why Carrie Should Have Ended Up Alone On Sex & The City

Simone Torn
5 min readNov 21, 2018


Once upon a time, long before the everlasting battle between Team Edward and Team Jacob, there was another on-screen love triangle that rattled the nation. This was, of course, the debate as to whether or not Carrie Bradshaw should have ended up with Aidan or Mr. Big.

Every ‘Sex and The City’ fan has their own opinion on which man belongs with Carrie. Should she have lived happily ever after with the mysterious bushy-browed businessman, or the puppy-eyed simpleton?

Many dedicated SATC fans argue that Aidan is a much better match for Carrie than Mr. Big because Aidan is an all-around better boyfriend. He is emotionally available, he loves her endlessly, and he follows her around like his Manolo-eating spaniel, Pete. Others argue that because Carrie loves Big more than Kanye loves himself, it’s purely destiny that they’d end up together. But in the wise words of our hero, Lana Del Rey, “sometimes love is not enough.”

Is it possible that despite the love Carrie has for these two men, neither of them are right for her? Is it possible that the series would have ended on a much stronger note if she ended up alone?

My thoughts? Hell yes.

Now I’m not saying that Carrie doesn’t deserve to end up happily ever after. She does. But can’t she ride off into the sunset with Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda? The people who make her laugh the most? The people who wouldn’t want her to change for the world?

There are several reasons why the show would have had much more of an impact if there was no knight in shining armor there to sprinkle Carrie with shoe closets and bejeweled duck thingys (seriously though, who does Mr. Big get his romantic gift ideas from, Norman Bates??)

One of the reasons our girl CB shouldn’t have ended up with either of these men is because neither Aidan or Mr. Big could ever really accept the true Carrie Bradshaw.

Aidan tried turning Carrie into a country girl despite the fact that her heart belongs to New York City, (and let’s face it, Carrie is as likely to become a suburbanite as John Wayne Gacy is to join a knitting class). But hey, at least it gave her an opportunity to wear not just one, but two articles of plaid clothing for the first (and hopefully the last) time.

Meanwhile, Mr. Big always expects Carrie to tame herself in his circle of Manhattan’s elites (pre-’Gossip Girl’), and even goes so far as to call her a “bitch” simply for expressing her emotions.

Regardless of which man she ultimately chose, both would be the result of Carrie settling. I mean, really. Mr. Big? He called her names, broke her soul on a mild day, and then casually LEFT HER AT THE FREAKING ALTER, THAT SCUMMY 50-YEAR OLD MAN-BABY WITH HIS OSCAR-THE-GROUCH ASS EYEBROWS … But I digress.

The simple fact that so many people look up to Carrie as this relationship guru, (she makes a living off of a dating blog for God’s sake), is exactly why her choice to end up with Mr. Big is problematic. Let’s face it, the fact that she ended up with this emotionally unavailable George Clooney-wannabe is problematic regardless. But considering the notion that Carrie Bradshaw is supposed to be the Albus Dumbledore of dating wisdom is exactly what gets viewers to believe that it’s okay for a man to treat you like the gum on the bottom of his shoe, as long as you’re sure that he’s “the one.”

(At least Miranda gets it!)

One of the most popular themes in the world of romcoms is that the person you’ve been searching for this whole time has been right there all along. (In this case, persons, being Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha). Carrie was just too blind to see that her true soulmates were right in front of her eyes this whole time. They love Carrie unconditionally regardless of her smoking habits or plaid-on-plaid outfit choices. That’s true love if you ask me.

So ultimately, Charlotte York confirms my point the best when she is sitting around with Carrie, Miranda and Samantha. Perhaps the only “woke” words to come out Charlotte’s mouth, she takes a look at her gal pals and says, “Don’t laugh at me but maybe we can be each other’s soul mates… And then we can let men be these great, nice guys to have fun with.”

Carrie does NOT seem on board.

At that moment, it is confirmed. Carrie’s true loves are her friends, while Mr. Big and Aidan are just people to settle with. In the end, she ends up settling. What kind of lesson is that for viewers? Hopefully, if Kim Cattrall and SJP decide to make amends over their icy relationship, a ‘Sex and the City 3’ movie will see that Carrie is meant to be with neither Big or Aidan, but her “soulmate” best friends.

