New office. New beginnings.

Simon Jay
2 min readFeb 5, 2019


So the journey continues. After various personal and professional ‘speed bumps’, I am now installed in my new office in Bristol and am ready to progress with Teacher Led Childcare (TLC).

I will document how I develop ‘The TLC Movement’ with a vision of ‘improving early years education for all involved’ and endeavour to be open and honest.

Am I nervous? Yes. Am I feeling slightly overwhelmed? Yes. Do I think it will be a success? No, I know it will be a success and it is my duty to make it so.

In 2015, I had reached my pain threshold and made the tough decision to leave teaching in schools. Since setting up Karibu – TLC, I have never been happier and I now want to give other teachers a ‘nudge’ and support them to set up their own childcare business. I love what I do and I believe others could benefit hugely from either setting up, or teaching through TLC.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Dr Martin Luther King Jr

Today was the first full day that I’ve spent in my new office, whilst my own TLC, Karibu, still operated. I’ve heard that staff have had a lovely day with the children. They have enjoyed some crafts, a home cooked lunch of pesto pasta, grilled chicken breast and vegetables, a bit of yoga this morning, some outdoor play and lots of stories on the sofa.

I have been working hard to set up an inspiring environment where I can shut myself away without distraction and focus on the TLC Movement. It’s been a long time in the making but I know it was the right decision to employ an extra member of staff to be able to free myself up for a few days during the week. As I now have space and time, I can have a greater impact on improving the lives of others through Teacher Led Childcare (TLC).

It’s ironic that my new office is actually in a classroom of a former school that was closed down several years ago. Within this space, I’m sat here aiming to further shake up the education system for the greater good.

I’ll leave you with a quote that I heard whilst listening to an audiobook this afternoon. It fuelled me with a burning desire that we really do need to challenge a system that is failing so many.

“The organisations that need innovation the most are the ones that do the most to stop it from happening”

It begins here.

Simon Jay

TLC Founder (launching soon)



Simon Jay

I’m excited to share my journey with you as I aim to ‘improve early years education for all involved’ through a new movement called Teacher Led Childcare (TLC).