Daily bit(e) of C++ | std::make_heap, std::push_heap, std::pop_heap, std::sort_heap

Šimon Tóth
1 min readJun 21, 2024


Daily bit(e) of C++ ♻️52, An alternative to std::priority_queue and std::set, the heap algorithms: std::make_heap, std::push_heap, std::pop_heap and std::sort_heap.

The set of heap algorithms: std::make_heap, std::push_heap, std::pop_heap and std::sort_heap can be used as a replacement for std::priority_queue and std::set when it is desirable to keep the elements in a contiguous storage or when we require cheap element extraction.

For the benefits, we pay with a more error-prone interface.

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

std::vector<int> data{8,2,1,7,4,5,3,6,9};
// initialize max-heap
auto begin = data.begin(), end = data.end();
std::make_heap(begin, end);

// pop each element from the heap producing
// a sorted order in the vector
while (begin != end) {
// pop_heap swaps the max element with
// the last element in range, maintaining the heap
std::pop_heap(begin, end--);
// iterate over 9,8,...
// data == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

std::vector<std::string> labels{"world","bye","fox","lazy","dog"};
std::make_heap(labels.begin(), labels.end());
// labels now in heap order

// extract element from heap, without removing it from the vector
std::pop_heap(labels.begin(), labels.end());
// in-place modify
labels.back()[0] = 'e';
// insert it back into the heap
std::push_heap(labels.begin(), labels.end());

std::sort_heap(labels.begin(), labels.end());
// labels == {"bye", "dog", "eorld", "fox", "lazy"}

Open the example in Compiler Explorer.



Šimon Tóth

20 years worth of Software Engineering experience distilled into easily digestible articles.