Daily bit(e) of C++ | std::thread

Šimon Tóth
2 min readMay 1, 2024

Daily bit(e) of C++ #475, The handle that represents a thread of execution, enabling concurrency: std::thread.

The std::thread is the C++ handle for a thread of execution. Multiple threads can be potentially executed concurrently.

A std::thread with an associated state must be joined, detached, or moved-from before it can be destroyed.

Joining a thread will block the caller until the thread finishes running. Detaching a thread will dissociate the thread from the std::thread handle, allowing it to run independently.

If a detached thread outlives main, the result is undefined. Typical implementations will terminate all remaining threads as part of exit() after returning from the main function.

If you are using C++20, prefer std::jthread, which offers better ergonomy and additional features.

#include <thread>
#include <latch>

std::atomic<int> total{};

// start a thread
auto t1 = std::thread([]{ ++total; });
// block until the thread finishes running
// total == 1

auto fn = [](int arg1, double arg2) {
total += arg1 + arg2;
// start fn in a new thread with the arguments (42, 3.14)
auto t2 = std::thread(fn, 42, 3.14);
// block until the thread finishes running
// total == 46

size_t t_count = 4;
std::latch work_done(t_count);
auto work_fn = [&work_done]{
// do work
// mark that we are done

// Start four detached threads
for (size_t i = 0; i < t_count; ++i)

work_done.wait(); // Wait until all threads finish
// total == 50

Open the example in Compiler Explorer.



Šimon Tóth

I'm an ex-Software Engineer and ex-Researcher focusing on providing free educational content.