How To Make Your Design Stand Out From The Competition

Simpaul Design
2 min readNov 26, 2016


In every setup of a profession, competition will always exist. Hence, this leaves a bigger part on you to work in order to counter that.

Obtaining a unique identity, style, and touch that sets you apart from the crowd will take you a while.

As the graphic design industry in Kenya is taking roots, as a graphic designer being counted as a unique among the competitors may save you a lot in the market.

Here I have pointed out on what I believe is important to make your design stand out from the competition.

1. Become the solution to problems

The design is based on the problem-solving process. First, a problem is identified and solved through the Design Process. Therefore, more is required than just good design for you to stand out from the competition.

In developing a solution to design problem, a design process is required. You may also need to analyze what your competition offers, in terms of work and their approach in solving design problems.

Thereafter, try and figure out how to be more effective, identifying the weaknesses and exploit them to your advantage by providing a suitable solution. This will take quite a while to master both good analytical skills and the experience.

Professionals would agree clients identify themselves with people able to solve a problem for them.

Failure to be different from your competitor, the client is highly able to way a suitable alternative between you and your competitors.

2. Mastering your skills

To stand out from your competitors, you need to be conversant with your tools of work.

Although you make have the knowledge and skills in design, graphic design is quite a wide field and therefore it is important to incline towards the field of graphic design that you prefer, including typography, logo design, web design, motion graphics among others.

In the field of choice perfect by developing more skills. Mastering on the particular field you choose and with more of the different skills required, you should be able to provide quality work.

3. Make yourself known

There is no better way to stand out from the competitor than making yourself known.

It is easy for clients to recognize you by the potential value you are able to bring along different you are from your competition.

Leverage the power of social media in increasing your visibility to the potential clients.

This is important from the way you present your self on social media through a well-designed website, Facebook page, and Twitter account. In all this, you will need to work on communication skills, presentation skills, and personal marketing.

How do you make your designs stand out from the competition?

Originally published at on November 26, 2016.



Simpaul Design

We design brand identity and digital platforms that focus on the customer experience for the trusted brands. More: