When Kind Turns Unkind: The Alarming Shift in Kindness

2 min readNov 3, 2023
from pexels.com

When someone who was originally kind suddenly becomes unkind, it can be quite unsettling. This transformation raises many questions about human behavior, and it can be a source of great confusion and disappointment. Let’s review a few points on someone who was originally kind but suddenly becomes unkind.

Stress, anxiety, or trauma can lead to changes and manifest as unkindness. Another factor, is the people who surround them with can significantly impact on their behavior. A once-kind person may be influenced by negative individuals or toxic environments that encourage unkindness. People grow and evolve, their values and beliefs can change. What was once important to them may no longer hold the same significance, causing them to act in ways that seem unkind to others.

The acts of kindness can be mentally draining, especially if a person continually puts others’ needs before their own. Burnout may lead to a decrease in kindness as they struggle to meet their own needs.

Of course, when we talk about becoming “unkind” here, we don’t mean becoming a villain or engaging in illegal activities. Instead, it means becoming more mature and empowered in the adult world. From this perspective, transitioning from kindness to assertiveness is a sign of intelligence.




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