I meditate so I can run a startup.

Free, Short, 5-Minute Meditations to help you reach your goals

Simple Habit
3 min readMar 9, 2017

👋 Hi — I’m Yunha

I wanted to share 5 popular meditations that help me run my startup Simple Habit.

Yunha Kim, Founder of Simple Habit.

I meditate several times per day and it really helps me. But, this wasn’t always the case. It’s actually quite shocking every time I say that. Rewind back three years, you never would have heard me even speak of this “meditation” thing! Meditation can be kind of intimidating for first timers, and it sounds like it takes a lot of work. But, 5 minutes is all you need!

A little back story: I’m the founder of Simple Habit (YC W17). I started meditating because I was so stressed at my previous startup Locket. Meditation has changed my life, so I decided to start Simple Habit to help busy people like me.

Our meditations are just 5 minutes. We’re the Netflix of meditations. We have over 1,000 guided meditations taught by 60+ of the world’s leading mediation experts.

Our meditations are tailored to your situations and moods. Stressed at work? There’s a meditation on that. Nervous before a date? There’s a meditation on that. Having trouble falling asleep? There’s a meditation on that.

These are some of our most popular free meditations

All of these meditations are free in our in our app (iOS, Android and Web).

Below I’ve listed the meditations and why they are so popular

Before A Meeting — (5 Min)

This meditation is useful for two reasons. Sometimes you are anxious before a meeting and this helps reduce the stress. But, more often you’re running around and you come into a meeting forget the intention of the meeting. So, you’re distracted or not giving your best during the first several minutes, which is usually a very critical time to set the tone of the meeting and make sure it’s effective. This meditation helps me “switch gears” so the meeting is productive for everyone.

Improved Attention — (5 Min)

This meditation is useful for me when I’m about to switch from multi-tasking (email, slack, facebook, etc) into a solid block of “project work.” I like doing this because it allows me to shut out all the noise from scattered conversations so I can get to working in a focused way.

Drift To Sleep — (10 Min)

I probably don’t need to explain this one too much! Sleep is so important and not just any sleep, but sleep that lets you wake up feeling rested. Meditating before I fall asleep not only helps me stop my mind from racing, but also helps me wake up refreshed.

Find Happiness — (5 Min)

Probably everyone can agree that if you are in startups, there are a lot of challenges. The same is true with almost every career. It’s very easy to let those challenges become a negative force. I like this meditation because it reminds me to find the motivations behind my work and remember the things that are positive and ultimately make me happy.

1 Minute Reset — (1 Min)

If you’re as rushed as I am, this is a great way to reset in a pinch. Just one minute to remind you about how to use your breath to recenter.

That’s all for now. I’d love to hear how you meditate in the comments below, or if you’ve faced any challenges.



Simple Habit

Simple Habit makes reducing stress as easy as 5-minutes a day.