Inexpensive simple things that improve your style

Do these today and you’re already ahead of the game

Simple Style
5 min readDec 12, 2016

As you’re trying to dress better it can be a long road to get to a point where you feel like you dress like an adult. Or maybe you’re at one of the many levels of fashion and can’t get out of that level.

Wear clothes that fit

Come on, this one is basic. If you’re still wearing clothes too small or too big for you stop. By wearing a well fitted plain white t-shirt and well fitting pair of jeans you can be better dressed than a friend in an ill fitted suit and tie. Never forget:

Fit is king

David Beckham then: All poor fits. The green jacket blue tie combo is especially sad
Same guy, in casual wear, who do you think the girl at the bar will want to talk to first?

Check the small details

If you have the fit right, it’s time to check on the small details:

  1. If you cuff your jeans or chinos make sure that the cuff height matches
  2. Properly tuck in your shirt
  3. Line up your belt with your shirt placket. This is what a shirt placket is.
  4. Get your tie knot just right

Doing the small things will make you look more put together instantly without having to spend an extra cent.

Wear clean clothes

Get that stain out immediately!

I really hope I don’t need to spend too much time on this point with you. In general shirts get washed after each usage, pants can go a few wears before a wash. If it has a stain it needs to be washed or dry cleaned.

Sames goes for your shoes. Get the mud and dust out of them. Clean them at least weekly.

Just in case: Shower everyday. At least once a day; twice a day is nice too. Liberally add in extra showers if you sweat a lot.

Bonus tip: Buy a lint roller. They sell cheap at those dollar stores and can make you look really fresh by getting rid of bits of lint and dust that settle on clothes.

Stay away from bulky sports watches unless you are actively in sports

Add accent pieces

A watch, a nice piece of jewelry or even a nice pair of shades can really pull a look together. A nice simple modern watch face like the Timex Weekender will go with many outfits at work, or out for a drink.

Be careful to use accent pieces in moderation however. Too many of them can be distracting and ruin your outfit.

A new cut can help you stand out

Get a new haircut

This one will cost you a few bucks but can be worth it. If you’ve upgraded your wardrobe but still keeping that old bowl cut it may be time for and upgrade. Go to a barber shop and have a chat with your barber about different styles.

You can look them up online ahead of time to see what works best with the shape of your face and ears. Ask the women around you at work and in your social circle what they think would work as a new haircut for you. Don’t go for anything crazy like a mo-hawk or frosted tips, but instead go for something that cleans up your style.

Bonus tip: Be sure to stay well groomed. Keep your beard, mustache and hair in shape. Schedule your appointments ahead of time in recurring times. If you look in the mirror and think “man I need a hair cut” it means you’ve needed a haircut for at least a few weeks and have been walking around looking sloppy.

You’ll have to beg others to leave if you keep your place clean

Keep your apartment clean

You got dressed, you look sharp and everyone can see it. You caught her eye from across the party, she smiled, you approached and you hit it off. The party starts winding down and you make plans to continue the conversation back at your place. Sounds great right? Except your place is a mess.

Your surroundings are an extension of you. Don’t ruin your image by having a message place. Spend the time clean the toilet bowl, bathroom sink. Do the dishes, pick up your clothes off the floor. Sweep or vacuum, take out the trash wipe the dust off surfaces. Make up your bed Do this and she won’t suddenly remember she has to go home to feed her cat.

Bonus tip: When cleaning up leave some purposeful disarray out. Like some books scattered on the coffee table, or a back of cards lightly tossed down. It will make your place feel less sterile and will help guests feel like they can relax because not everything is perfect.

Need apartment help? Check out what to do make your apartment look as sharp as you.

Sleep makes everything better

Get some sleep

Get off the computer, put down the cell phone, get your room nice and dark and go to bed early. No matter what you wear you won’t take away from the fact that you look tired and beat.

