12 Signs of Covert Narcissism: Understanding Hidden Manipulators Through Poetry

Simple News
3 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by Kindly NYC on Unsplash

Each poem here reflects a facet of covert narcissism, woven with a blend of wit and sass. As you engage with these verses, may they offer clarity and a touch of light-heartedness to a shadowy subject.

1. The Masquerade

Beneath a mask of charm and grace,
Lies a heart that’s out of place.
They’ll pull you close but not too near,
For their facade might disappear.

2. The Quiet Boast

Subtle brags and sly remarks,
Fishing for praise in the guise of larks.
Ever so humble, they seem at glance,
But each compliment fuels their prance.

3. The Victim’s Waltz

A twist of fate, they’re hurt, they say,
A tale of woe to display each day.
The world’s against them, or so they claim,
In every story, they’re never to blame.

4. The Silent Judge

With a sneer veiled as a smile,
They’ll judge your mile while running their trial.
Never loud but always clear,
To their standards, you must adhere.

5. The Puppeteer

Strings attached to every deed,
Control is their underlying creed.
Moving you here, swaying you there,
All in the guise of showing care.

6. The Stealthy Take

What’s yours is theirs — they believe it’s fair,
Taking more than their share, with a subtle flair.
Be it time, love, or your peace of mind,
To their taking ways, you’re often blind.

7. The Ghostly Presence

Here today, gone tomorrow,
Their absence often brings sorrow.
But don’t be fooled by the space they leave,
It’s just a tactic to deceive.

8. The Echo’s Call

They mirror your words, mimic your dreams,
Crafting echoes from your themes.
Seeming soulmates at the start,
Till they depart with a piece of your heart.

9. The Cold War

Silent treatments are their art,
A cold war waged to break your heart.
No swords drawn, no words exchanged,
Just chilling silence, wide and ranged.

10. The Cloak of Generosity

Gifts they give, so kind and sweet,
Yet, there’s always a receipt.
A tally held, a score that’s kept,
Generosity, with debt adept.

11. The Blame Game

A misstep made, they redirect,
Fault is theirs to deflect.
A scapegoat’s role you’ll often play,
In the covert narcissist’s screenplay.

12. The Fading Echo

Just when you think you know their tune,
They change the melody under the moon.
What once was loud now faintly throbs,
The covert narcissist’s heart, a fading blob.

As we close the curtain on “12 Signs of Covert Narcissism: Understanding Hidden Manipulators Through Poetry,” I hope this poetic journey has not only entertained you but also enriched your understanding of the subtle intricacies of covert narcissism. The signs and behaviors we’ve explored are often masked beneath layers of charm and apparent vulnerability, making them difficult to discern.

Remember, the goal of these poems isn’t just to identify traits of covert narcissists but also to empower you with the knowledge to safeguard your emotional well-being. Whether it’s recognizing a “Quiet Boast” or navigating the icy silence of “The Cold War,” awareness is your shield.

If these poems have resonated with you or sparked curiosity, I encourage you to share them with others. Spreading awareness is key to demystifying the complexities of human behavior, fostering healthier interactions, and building empathetic communities. Thank you for joining me on this enlightening excursion through verse. Let’s continue to learn, grow, and thrive in the myriad interactions that life offers.



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