Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important skill.

puja choudhary
5 min readOct 26, 2020


Happiness needs to come from within , not in the pursuit of pleasing others.

Pic credit : pintrest

Happiness is defined as the state in which a living being expresses pleasure and contentment. It is the state in which negative stress levels are at the lowest, even if not zero and positive stress boosts the person’s positive emotions.

.Steps to being a Happy personality :-

1. JOY

When we are surprised or delighted with an unanticipated good things , joy follows. Think of a moment you enjoy a fantastic meal at a new restraunt or when you plan a visit with a good friend. Joy is asignal that the situation is safe and couageous us to embarace the experience.


  • Gratitude is an attitude and way of living that has been shown to have many benefits in terms of health, happiness, satisfaction with life, and the way we relate to others. It goes hand in hand with mindfulness in its focus on the present and appreciation for what we have now, rather than wanting more and more. Feeling and expressing gratitude turns our mental focus to the positive, which compensates for our brain’s natural tendency to focus on threats, worries, and negative aspects of life.

3. pride

when we accomplish a goal or contribute in an important way , we feel pride in our own abilities. Whether it is getting the promotion you have worked hard for or sticking to a fitness goal for six weeks, recognizing our own abilities provides us with the necessary motivation to continue setting and achieving goals in the future.


We feel serene or content when we find ourselves in circumstance that feel right and easy. Think of a lazy sunday morning with the family or enjoying the calm and quit of a walk through a garden. Serenity , argues, encourages us to savour the present moment , and reevaluate our priorities , deepening our understanding of ourselves.


We get curious about the world when we encounter something new and feel safe to explore it. Wheather it is binge - reading on your favourite subject or discovering a new neighborhood in your town, interest invites us to explore and learn so that we gain knowledge.

Think about your own interests, then throw yourself at their mercy ! After all , our interests make us smile.


This is the experience of finding something funny,To find something funny means you need to be open to expressing yourself . To be amused means you need to let down your guard and take into your sense of fun.


Hope is the positive emotion we feel when we envision a brighter future and often helps us through hard times. Although it may be accompanied by fear or sadness, hope pushes us to take steps to create a better tomorrow through sustaining optimism and resilience.


When we see another person act from the best of themselves , We are inspired to stive for our best. Wheather we witness an act of high moral character or a performance displaying excellence and mastery , inspiration helps us connect the greatness in ourselves.


Something is truly awesome when it pulls us in and brings us a sense of connectedness to something bigger than ourselves. Grandiose goodness or beauty , like a view of the starlit sky from a remote place, can stop us in our tracks, overpowered by wonder and respect. Awe transforms our views on the world and our place in it.


Love is wonderful , don’t you think? Anyone who has experienced unconditional love will agree. A partner who’s by your side- in sickness and in health , for better and worse- can change habits and life outlooks significantly , often to the point of improving health and happiness! There are several fascinating ways that love makes you happier and healthier.

How many people with truely happy life do you know? Are you even sure of these? All people dream about happy life . When we think of happy life. We Imagine that happiness is an inavitable side effect. We may envision ourselves with the perfect job, the perfect children,the perfect mate, the perfect level of income, big house , expensive car and various things. Moreover, we believe that all of that stuff will makes us happy. Mowever, that view is skewed. material objects cannot make us Happy.

There are common causes that can effect on your happy life :

. Seek happiness from yourself, not others.

Real happiness come from a sense of well being. This means you’re not beating yourself up for failures. It means you’re not seeking the approval of others through rediculous means.

. Happiness isn’t the same as pleasure

Happiness isn’t the same as pleasure. Pleasure is something that’s short lived and provides some form of instant gratification.

. Your ego causes real suffering

Our egos can be a huge problem when it becomes to reaching happiness. You may not want to admit it , but I' am sure at some point in your life you’ve given yourself an imagined identity.

. Our thoughts and emotions can impact our happiness

This type of behaviour happens to us all, and it’s self - destructive. When something bad happens in your life, you can start to feel like everything is against you.

And the one more things ,which everyone consider for their happy life or unhappy as well and that is money.

In my opinon , I really don’t think you need to be rich in order to be happy. Anyway, if you had to be rich to be happy, the majority of people would never be happy and this is something I refuse to believe.

So, maybe what makes us happy is just everything that makes us smile. May be it is indeed all the simple things in life , or rather things that we too often consider as self - evident and given and that are actually not at all simple. Things like having true friends or a supportive family , or being healthy. Maybe it means to enjoy life and it’s good moments.

From the information that I found , I conclude that Inspite of the disappointing results in the positive emotions, the overall results show that the participants have experienced greater levels of happiness after the experiment.

simple act of making others feel good and happy helped out participants improve their negative moods and emotions about themselves, resulting in more balanced state of mind , emotions and physical awareness.



puja choudhary

I’m not perfect, but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection