Round-up newsletters are dead. Long live atomic newsletters.

Let’s put this one to bed for good.

Matt Brady
3 min readMar 6, 2024


Photo by Artur Kornakov on Unsplash

I was trolling around… I mean… surfing around on 𝕏 recently and came across a “hot take” that made me stop in my tracks:

The text of the message says:

Hot take → Round-up newsletters aren’t going to work anymore

They work for Tim Ferriss (5 Bullet Fri) and James Clear (3–2–1) because they were already well-known when those formats started.

You need to establish expertise first.

I’m suppose to assume that the only reason the “round-up” newsletter format became popular is because Tim Ferriss and James Clear used it and their popularity oozed onto it?

I get that copycats are a thing and we (as humans) like to emulate successful formats when we start new things, but that’s completely ignoring one of the best things about the format, regardless of your level of “expertise”:

Curated content.



Matt Brady

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