Nowadays, 3D web and mobile game is in high demand among gamers. Web and mobile game developers are creating highly attractive graphic 3D games for video game lovers. In this blog, we have explained advantage and disadvantage of 3D game development.

“A toolset used to build games and the technology that executes the graphics, the audio, the physics, the interactions, the networking. Everything you hear and see on the screen is powered by this code that has to be super-optimized because it’s moving so much data and throwing so many pixels on the screen.”David Helgason, CEO and Co-Founder, Unity Game Engine.

Starting Out

Three young Danish programmers (or self proclaimed hackers) started out in the basement, inspired by developing something similar to “Apple’s Final Cut Pro” video making tool, but for video games development and named it as UNITY. 2005 saw the first primitive release and by 2008, the engine was among the first few to extend support to the newly launched iTunes Store and iPhone and it gradually evolved into a Sophisticated Game development tool…Read full blog- Unity 3D Game Development: Advantages and Disadvantages

