Platform vs Framework vs Environment in Software Development

Abdur Rahman
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


Unlock the secrets of software development:

This article will provide you with knowledge of most commonly used terms in software development such as platform, environment and framework. Do you know the difference between these terms?

Have you ever thought about what makes these terms different from each other?

Here is a small easy to understand description about differences between commonly used terms such as framework, platform and environment in software development.


Platform provides the foundation on which software runs. It can be hardware (e.g., computer, mobile device) or software (e.g., operating system, cloud platform) that provide an environment for running applications.

Platform in Software Development

It includes the operating system, runtime libraries, and hardware components necessary for executing software.

It can be general purpose, such as OS ( macOS or Linux ), or specialized-like cloud platforms (AWS, Azure) which can provide infrastructure and services for hosting applications.

Examples: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, AWS, Azure.


It is a set of tools and libraries to speed up and structure software development which also provides reusable components.

Framework in Software Development

It can often be specific to a programming language.

It often includes pre-defined functions and modules for common tasks, which help developers to build software applications more efficiently and make them focus on application-specific logic.

Examples: Django (Python web), Express, Angular, Flutter


It is a workspace for developing and testing software which includes tools like editor, compiler, debugger, version control system.

Environment in Software Development

An environment typically includes a framework as part of its toolset to facilitate application development.

It can be standalone software or integrated with a platform or framework.

Examples: Visual Studio Code, Android Studio.

Platform vs Environment vs Framework based on Scope, Purpose and Flexibility



Broadest, encompassing both hardware and software.


Provides the foundational infrastructure for executing software applications.


Platform is least flexible



More specific than platforms, often tied to programming languages.


Speeds up and structures software development by offering pre-built components and tools.


Framework offers some choice

Environment :


Most specific, focused on creating a development and testing workspace.


Provides tools and infrastructure for creating, testing, and managing software projects.


Environment is most customizable.

Environment vs Framework

The key difference between environment and framework are,

  • Environment is more focused on workspace and customizable where framework is more specific to programming language.
  • Environment includes a framework as part of its toolset
  • Framework offers some choice of customizable and provides functions and libraries for faster development.
Difference between Environment and Framework

Platform vs Environment

The key difference between platform and environment are,

  • Platform is broadest and it includes the os, runtime libraries, and hardware components that are necessary for executing software.
  • Environment is most customizable and can be standalone software.
Difference between Platform and Environment

Platform vs Framework

The key difference between platform and environment are,

  • Platform is less flexible whereas frameworks is flexible when compared to platform.
  • Framework offers pre-built components and tools for building software quickly.
Difference between Platform and Framework

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Abdur Rahman

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Passionate tech explorer 🌐 | Constantly curious about the digital universe πŸš€ | Join me on my journey through world of computer science and technology!