Should you still learn PHP in 2022?

Stephanie De Smedt
5 min readApr 19, 2022
Photo by Ben Griffiths on Unsplash

I have seen several articles on here commenting that PHP isn’t the most relevant language in the modern age and other people insisting that it remains a core part of every developers skillset.

With all the contradiction and confusion I thought I would do some research of my own. Below I have summarised a little bit about what PHP is and where it is used as well as whether I think it is worth learning in 2022.

PHP: An Introduction

PHP was originally created in 1994 and is a server scripting language used to make dynamic and interactive webpages (at the time of writing PHP 8 is the latest version available). When it was launched it gave developers the chance to add interactivity to their websites at a time when the Dotcom boom was in full swing and companies were racing to get themselves online.

In recent years newer scripting languages have emerged however 77.5% of websites still use PHP as their server-side language, so it is still very much in use.

Statistics on popular server-side languages in use today —

With 77.5% of websites utilizing PHP in some way it may seem confusing why the relevance of PHP is even a discussion point. To understand that we need to…



Stephanie De Smedt

Project Manager learning Web and Mobile Development. A lifelong learner with a travel and coffee problem.