Thanks to Medium

I managed to sign up for a course!

Simply Nobel


(This story contains a few affiliate links) Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Yesterday life felt bleak. I found out that I didn’t get a job I applied for, and a freelance editing job fell through. I was (I thought) down to my last $10.

Two days prior I was excited because I discovered that the Healing Sound Academy was having a big sale on all of their courses! I spent a full day trying to find my perfect first Tibetan Singing Bowl. I filled my trolley with some tuning forks too but could only afford the singing bowl for now.

I thought that I would be able to pay for the Level 1 Multi-Instrument Course thanks to my freelance editing gig. I discovered that the sale would be on again in about 3 months' time but did I really have to wait that long!?

What a Difference a Day Makes

Turns out, no… I only had to wait 9 hours 😄 The following morning, I woke up to find that my first Medium payment for the month of August ($153 New Zealand Dollars) had already reached my account! I wasn’t expecting it for about two more weeks!

Furthermore, the payment for my Sound Bowl order on Amazon hadn’t yet gone through. “Thank my lucky stars!” I thought. This meant that I had just enough money to cover the cost of the course (with $60 NZD’s to spare to cover food for the week. Time to live more frugally!)

