My Secret Recipe for Luscious Locks: DIY Hair Growth Oil That Rescued My Hair!

6 min readAug 2, 2023

Hey there, fellow hair enthusiasts! Today, I’m not just sharing a recipe with you; I’m sharing a piece of my heart and a story of how this DIY hair growth oil saved my hair from the brink of despair.

If you’ve ever battled hair fall and watched helplessly as strands abandoned ship, trust me, I’ve been there. But fear not, because I’m here to share my personal journey and the magical recipe that turned it all around.

Photo by Ali Pazani on Unsplash

My Hair Fall Woes: The Beginning of the Battle

A few months back, I found myself in front of the mirror, staring at my once-luscious hair now thinning and lackluster. It was like watching a piece of me fade away. The sight of hair strands on my brush and in the shower drain became a daily nightmare. I felt like I was losing a part of my identity along with my hair.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The Quest for a Solution

I embarked on a quest for the perfect hair product, tried every commercial potion on the shelves, and even considered whispering secret pleas to the moon for help. But nothing seemed to work. Frustration and disappointment were becoming my daily companions.

Photo by Armin Lotfi on Unsplash

The Magical Encounter

Just when I was on the verge of giving up, a friend introduced me to a simple hair growth oil recipe. She spoke with such enthusiasm that I couldn’t resist giving it a shot. With skepticism tucked away, I mixed up a batch of this DIY hair growth oil — a blend of sesame seed oil, castor oil, almond oil, rosemary essential oil, and peppermint essential oil.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Ingredients: For a 100ml Recipe

  • 50ml Sesame Seed Oil
  • 24ml Castor Oil
  • 24ml Almond Oil
  • 1.5ml Rosemary Essential Oil
  • 0.6ml Peppermint Essential Oil

Why This Combo is Gold for Your Hair:

🌱 Sesame Seed Oil: This oil is like a full-course meal for your hair. Packed with vitamins and essential fatty acids, it’s your ticket to nourished, shiny hair. Plus, its antibacterial powers kick dandruff to the curb!

Photo by Curology on Unsplash

🌻 Castor Oil: Get ready to bid farewell to hair thinning. Castor oil has a special acid that boosts hair growth. It’s like a push-up bra for your locks — hello, volume and thickness!

🌰 Almond Oil: Ever wondered how to make your hair soft enough to dance in the breeze? Almond oil is the answer. It’s like a spa treatment for your hair, pampering it to perfection.

🌿 Rosemary Essential Oil: Think of this as your hair’s personal cheerleader. Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth and waves goodbye to itchy scalp blues. Sayonara, flakes!

Photo by Ian Yates on Unsplash

🌱 Peppermint Essential Oil: It’s like a minty wake-up call for your scalp! Peppermint oil boosts blood flow, helping your hair get all the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Photo by Thúy Lâm on Unsplash

The Magic Method:

  1. Mixing Magic: Pour 50ml of sesame seed oil, 24ml of castor oil, and 24ml of almond oil into a bowl. Stir it up like you’re crafting a hair growth spell.
  2. Essential Enchantment: Add 1.5ml of rosemary essential oil. This isn’t just any oil — it’s like the conductor of a hair growth orchestra!
Photo by Alia Hasan on Unsplash
  1. Peppermint Pep: For that extra oomph, drip in 0.6ml of peppermint essential oil. Imagine it as a mini spa day for your scalp.
  2. Shake Your Potion: Seal your blend in a cute bottle and give it a good shake. It’s like a hair growth party in a bottle!

The Enchanted Application:

Prep Time: Part your hair and warm up a bit of your magical mixture. Not too hot — we want your scalp to feel pampered, not roasted!

The Massage: Time to channel your inner spa guru. Gently massage the oil into your scalp with your fingertips. Circles, waves, whatever feels good!

Photo by Nica Cn on Unsplash

Hair Hug: Spread the love down to your hair ends. They need some TLC too.

Wrap it Up: Pop on a shower cap — your hair’s new BFF. It’s like a cozy cocoon for the oil to work its magic.

Netflix & Nourish: Leave it on for a movie or two, or even overnight if you’re up for a beauty sleepover.

Clean-Up Crew: Wash it off with your favorite sulfate-free shampoo. Your hair will feel lighter and look shinier — ready to take on the world!

A Journey of Transformation

The first time I massaged the oil into my scalp, it was like a breath of relief. The aroma of rosemary and peppermint filled the air, and for a moment, my worries took a back seat, just like a spa.

I made it a ritual, dedicating time to pamper my scalp, to nurture my hair, and maybe even to send some positive vibes to the universe.

Photo by The Anam on Unsplash

Results That Left Me Amazed

Weeks turned into a month, and then another. I noticed something incredible — fewer strands on my brush and less hair left behind after a shower. My hair felt different too — smoother, shinier, and undeniably healthier. It was as if my hair had found its superhero.

Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

Confidence, Reclaimed

The mirror, which was once my nemesis, became my ally. I started to love the reflection that stared back at me — a reflection that was slowly regaining its vitality. The thinning patches were filling in, and I could feel the bounce returning to my locks.

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

Conclusion: The Secret Recipe That Turned It All Around

And now, here I am, sharing my secret recipe with you. This DIY hair growth oil isn’t just a mixture of oils; it’s a blend of hope, patience, and a touch of magic. If you’re struggling with hair fall like I was, give this recipe a chance. Nourish your hair, pamper your scalp, and embrace the journey.

Remember, friends, sometimes the most effective solutions are rooted in nature and simplicity. I hope this recipe becomes your hair’s saving grace, just as it became mine. Let’s wave goodbye to hair fall and welcome the era of fabulous, flourishing hair! 🌟💆‍♀️

FYI: This treatment should be applied consistently for 2–3 hours, at least twice a week for 3 months to see visible results. Let me know in the comments if you are also struggling with any hair related concerns, and if he blog was helpful.






Student of life | Writing is my passion | Reading all the time |