
Simunija Martina
4 min readDec 13, 2023

Who Are the Star Children?

Earth is in a transitional phase as part of the cleansing process, leading to the elevation of human consciousness on the planet.

Starseed souls come to Earth from higher dimensions, and they are souls with galactic roots.

Starseed children are those who come to this planet to assist humanity in the process of raising consciousness. They are divine beings helping to ease this transition by guiding people toward greater spiritual awareness.

The first star children, the Indigo children, arrived on Earth in the 1970s.

Continue reading about the types and characteristics of Starseed children and the possibilities of recognizing if you are one of them.

Division of the Starseed Children

Starseed children, or star children, come to Earth in different periods. Accordingly, they exhibit different characteristics.

Starseed children are divided into:

  • Indigo (1970s and 1980s)
  • Crystal (late 1990s and 2000s)
  • Rainbow (around 2010 and onwards)
  • Diamond (children who are currently arriving and future children)

Birth years do not necessarily have to be a rule, but according to most sources, the division is as mentioned above.

Characteristics of Starseed Children According to Division Type

All Starseed children fall under the category of “Light Workers.” Star children work together and collaborate in harmony but significantly differ.

Let’s delve into the division of Starseed children/people and briefly examine their differences.

Indigo Children

Indigo children have strong character and a developed need to change the world. They challenge known old systems and beliefs, not succumbing to authority.

These children are extremely sensitive, empathetic, and spiritual. They are drawn to mysteries, the paranormal, and the occult. They are prone to depression and sleep disorders.

The primary goal of Indigo children is to dismantle imposed life rules that do not contribute to humanity. Indigo children are known as “Destroyers” of corrupted systems and structures. They are born rebels.

The aura of Indigo children is indigo-colored.

Crystal Children

Crystal children, unlike Indigo children, are “Builders.” They choose Indigo’s parents. The main difference between Indigo and Crystal children is evident in their temperament.

While Indigo children have a warrior spirit, Crystal children are gentle and calm. Their primary task is to promote the spiritual development of the people around them. Crystal children are guides and creators, building new systems that Indigo Children have torn down.

Crystal children are exceptionally open, communicative, gentle, honest, and easily express their emotions. The aura of Crystal Children is crystal or golden with hints of pastel colors.

Rainbow Children

Rainbow children come to this world to show people what genuine love means. The primary task of Rainbow children is to love.

This type of Starseed children differs significantly from Indigo and Crystal children because their sole mission on this planet is related to love and emotions.

These children are exceptionally dear and highly empathetic. The aura of Rainbow children is in rainbow colors, hence the name Rainbow.

Diamond Children

Diamond children are those who have recently arrived and are still coming. They are the children of the future. Their characteristics are still unknown, and they need to be explored.

How do you recognize if you are a Starseed child?

All Starseed children possess certain common traits. These traits are very specific, making recognizing such individuals in their environment easy.

Examine whether you have a few common characteristics:

  • A feeling of not fitting into the environment in which you live.
  • The inability to see meaning in the system in which you grow up makes it impossible to accept authority.
  • Constantly present feelings of searching for your home; even the home you grow up in does not feel like your own (the family’s black sheep).
  • Extremely empathetic with a very strong intuition.
  • Often able to predict various situations (clairvoyance).
  • Highly spiritual soul vibrating at a high level of consciousness.
  • Possibility of being born with memories of past lives or the period between two lives.
  • You are lovely to animals and tiny babies; their presence makes you feel pleasant.

These traits are very specific, and it is likely that if you possess these mentioned characteristics, you belong to the Starseed group of people.


Starseed souls are high-frequency souls coming to our planet to elevate human consciousness on Earth. They bring with them the knowledge and wisdom necessary for raising awareness on the planet Earth. The primary goal is to elevate the Earth’s vibration to higher dimensions.

Starseeds are old and wise souls directing their energy toward the spiritual, not the material. They strive for truth, justice, and unconditional love.

Starseeds (FAQs)

Where do Starseed children come from?

Starseed children or souls have chosen to incarnate on Earth to benefit humanity and Earth. They come from very high dimensions (6, 7, 8…) and originate from Sirius, Pleiades, Lyra, Vega, Andromeda, and others.

Are Starseeds humans or extraterrestrials?

Starseeds are humans with a galactic soul origin and likely do not have a past on Earth. These are new souls on Earth, but not young souls. They are souls that have experienced many lives, but Earth has not been their home until now.

Why do Starseed people experience depressive states?

Starseeds are compassionate, intuitive, and highly emotional beings with a keen sense of everything around them. Due to these traits, they often feel hurt, misunderstood, and rejected on a path where their sole goal is to help humanity. Such individuals cannot tolerate injustice.

They are beings vibrating at higher dimensions and struggle with the low frequencies of the 3D dimension. These reasons lead to confusion and imbalance within the individual.

