My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations


Ah, psychos!

We have all encountered one, or multiple (barely) people of this kind through our life.

Dealing with them is bad enough as an acquaintance or a friend, but do you know what’s worse? Being involved in a romantic capacity with one of them, ie. being in love with a psycho!

Unless, you happen to be someone like me.

Bad as they are, the convoluted minds and thoughts of a psycho fascinate me like no other. Every time I meet someone I can identify as having psychopathic tendencies, I long to break into it.

It’s difficult to explain, but, getting a psychopath, to discover their feelings and fall in love, is a bit like training an amputee to run. It’s not impossible, but it nearly is.

Psychopaths might not fall in love like, you or me, but they do. They usually tend to use love, as an escape.

What that means, for you, if you’re it, is you get to see, someone from the inside, that everyone else in their lives, don’t get to see. You’re the only privileged one.

Sadly though, they cannot sustain that behavior for too long.

However, it’s what entices me. Being raised by a sociopathic mother, and the resulting

oedipal complex


has a part to play in too, probably.

I believe I have a “fix” to a “problem” that cannot be fixed. In fact, it isn’t a problem at all. It is just a characteristic. I somehow thought the psychopaths must want to feel these emotions on some level.

My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme

Courtesy: Pinterest from the movie Mr. Nobody (2009)

I want to help them, but, realize soon, it’s not what they need or want.

It’s a weird fetish, I am trying to lay off. I am probably more of them by now than I intended to be.

However, since I have been involved with manifold such people over the course of the last decade, I figure I am a bit of an expert in the field of psycho-dating!

That I read up a ton on Psychology helps. I also understand many others get coaxed by such people to get into things, they are unaware of.

Through this article, I will be pretending to give you advice, while voicing my intense regret at not just my inability to evoke emotion in these people I encountered, but also my inability to recognize to myself that some people, do in fact remain who they are, incapable of change.

Science behind the psycho

Firstly, if your notion of what a psychopath is, remains painted by mainstream glorification of characters you might have seen on screen, let me break it to you: the real world is different. There is nothing remotely hip, or cool, or bad-ass about it. Believe me!

It is a mental condition, that is often a way of being, and underline many different issues beneath the surface.

Fundamentally, a psycho defined here could be a psychopath or a sociopath, depending on circumstances and characteristics. Psychologists around the world, however, do not classify people as “psychopaths” or “sociopaths”, they simply term them as people with “anti-social disorders”.

The popular belief among most researchers is that psychopaths tend to be born as they are owing to genetic predisposition. Research shows that psychopaths have underdeveloped and reduced connections between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC): the area of the brain responsible for emotions such as empathy and guilt, and the amygdala: the part of the brain which processes fear and anxiety.

Reduced structural integrity in the white matter fibers connecting the two areas show much-less or nil coordinated activity compared to an average human, resulting in the proverbial lack of empathy, remorse, or guilt they are famous for.

While sociopaths, reach the same degree of numbness due to their circumstances later in life, with or without the physiological defects from birth. This may be due a traumatic experience, like bad parenting, molestation, physical or mental violence endured, etc. resulting in stunted brain development.

However, there’s a range upon which each individual can be rated as to having these tendencies, namely the Hare Psychology Checklist. Most psychos in society wouldn’t fall in the serial killer range, but, it doesn’t mean, living with them is any easier.

Who is more dangerous?

First of all, dangerous? What dangerous? Lack of feelings? Bring it on! That’s the challenge, isn’t it?

Well, if you’re a bit more sane than I am, the answer to that question depends on who you are, and how well you can handle yourself around others. Most psychologists would prescribe you to NOT engage with either: the more you can fly under the radar with them, the better the chances of you not being a target for their manipulation.

Statistically, sociopaths are more prone to impulsive, emotional or violent outbursts in society when involved in criminal acts, whereas psychopaths tend to commit more thought out or detailed acts of crime.
Ergo, the probability of a psychopath getting caught in a criminal act, is much less likely than a sociopath committing the same crime, due to the worsened impulse control and lack of attention to detail.

Psychopaths tend to have better control of their limited emotions than their sociopathic counter-parts and can lead better incognito dual lives, as witnessed by numerous cases of psychopathic serial killers in the past. However, it is important to mention “violence” is not a necessary trait amongst either tribe.

How to spot a psycho?

Both classifications share almost identical traits in terms of behavior and ethical or moral standings.

Some shared characteristics of antisocial personality disorder include: disregard for laws/rules, violence towards animals, pathological lying, manipulative, lack of empathy, lack of remorse, lack of guilt, impulsive outbursts, refusal to accept responsibility for actions, disregard for others’ opinion or values, and selfishness.

Loving a psycho

My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme


So, now you know a bit more (if you didn’t already) about how to identify and understand psychos and how they are made or operate. It is deceptively easy to define a person from a third-person perspective theoretically.

However, the practical implications stretch out to be so much more than just a little list of characteristics. It’s one of those mistakes that I made in jest.

It’s difficult to get in to the psyche of a psychopath, but what’s even harder is to free yourself from the entanglement of it once you’re in. If you’ve been close to, or been attached emotionally to a psycho sometime, you will probably be able to relate to these instances.

In the next part, I list out the 10 Lessons to guide you away from the clutches of a psycho: My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath- Part II

or, check out this one: My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I & Part II — Bible Revelations

or, check out this one: Video: My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I & Part II — Bible Revelations

It is very important that you download all the 850+ “Accurate Zeus Memes” from my profile and take them to a Church near You.

You have to understand Bible from the Perspective of GOD- ME!


Hey, I made YouTube videos and “Accurate Zeus Memes” explaining how I am AmunRa aka Zeus aka Thor aka Horus, LOL, aka “hidden CHRISTIAN GOD” and I am also called “Indifferent GOD”, “Lightning GOD”, “God of Thunder”, “God of Sky”, etc. ROFLMAO

I HATE #USA (#UnitedStatesofAmerica) for preaching diversity and helping idolworshippers (Indians) instead of Erasing idolworshippers like it says in the Bible. I WILL MAKE USA (#America) Biblical Hell for helping Indians (INDIANS ARE IDOLWORSHIPPERS FROM THE BIBLE), whom I HATE as Old Testament Christian GOD!

I made YouTube videos to explain how #Russia threatened to #Nuke #America by dropping a Bomb on #Yellowstone #SuperVolcano because that’s my idea to take out all Americans once and for all for preaching Liberalism. LOL

Listen to #VCPR from #GTAViceCity to understand, Russia invading America is a possible “simulation”. What is a “simulation”? Watch my videos to understand!



My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme
My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme

“Kingdom of God”, if you don’t know, is operated from Egypt and Greece, which are my two favorite countries. It’s two countries I have my temples in.

I don’t care about whether you worship me or not. I have only these 2 temples in these 2 countries, because I DO NOT WANT temples in every country. I HATE PRAYERS! I DON’T LISTEN TO PRAYERS!

If you read BIBLE, you will know what I am saying is TRUE!

If you “believe” anyone else is “Christian God”, I will find you and I will kill you and send you to black holes for eternity for “end of the World”. It’s MY RELIGION! It’s MY WORDS! BIBLE IS MY WORDS! MORONS!

Anyways, so, contact the Government of Greece and Egypt, on my behalf, try to do it through a Church or Ministry and show them my “Accurate Zeus Memes” and the YouTube videos I made. Tell them I want these two countries to do the “Exodus”, which basically means I want Egypt and Greece empty of all men, transgender, dogs, cats, insects, etc. and I want only HOT WHITE VIRGIN WOMEN aka PANDORAs in Egypt and Greece working as my priestesses or something… make it happen!

Tell the Government of Egypt to use the Police and Military to go door-to-door and collect burnt offerings as sacrifices to resurrect the various Goddesses I want to resurrect according to Bible.

I must warn you, Muslims are NOT Egyptian Mythology even though they are ruled by Egyptian Goddesses. They have plague ridden bodies. You have to ignore whatever Muslims in Egypt say and do “Exodus” and reclaim EGYPT as an OLD TESTAMENT CHRISTIAN COUNTRY!


Click Here to watch the Video: Contact the Government of Egypt 🇪🇬 & Government of Greece 🇬🇷 and tell them I’m “Living God” ⚡- Bible Revelations

Click Here to watch the Video: Why is Exodus of Egypt necessary? — Taking Me ⚡ to my Temple in Mount Sinai is a Bible prophecy

Click Here to watch the Video: Osiris is the only boy I made and Osiris is the only “Lord of the Dead” — Bible Revelations

Click Here to watch the Video: Don’t do “Trials of Osiris” 🤬🤫Osiris is blessed by Zeus ⚡ to serve Judgement on the dead 👩‍⚖️

Click Here to watch the Video: Why #ManchesterUnited are the most important #Football ⚽ club in the #World 🌍 #God wants #ManUTD ⚡

Click Here to watch the Video: Why you must contact 📲📶 #CristianoRonaldo (#Osiris) & give Me ownership of #ManchesterUnited ⚽🤬😤

Click Here to watch the Video: Why you will NOT call🤙yourself #sonofZeus unless you’re #Osiris (#CristianoRonaldo), be my #employee

Click Here to watch the Video: What is Pandora’s Box? How to get out of Pandora’s Box? — Zeus is not responsible for your mess!

Click Here to watch the Video: Pandora’s Box is opening of “Tomb of the Ancients” & Ancient Egyptian Goddesses popping out…🤣🤣🤣

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING 🧠 #Bible ✝️ cannot be Erased because it is My #AlphaMemory 😎 & YOU WILL GET ERASED INSTEAD😂

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING 🧠 THERE WILL BE NO #MARRIAGE 🤷‍♂️ in #KingdomofGod 👑 bcz #zeUS & #heRA are NOT TOGETHER! 👀👼

Click Here to watch the Video: #Google #WWF #AttitudeEra #StoneColdSteveAustin & use #Bible phrases in #Kool 😎 ways like #Austin316

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING 🧠 #God only needs to #Save ✝️ 1000❓Really HOT🔥 #White #Virgins for Biblical #endoftheWorld💣

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING🧠 #newtestament will 100% get Cancelled❌ bcz YOU said #JesusChrist✝️ is #God & NOT ME- #Zeus⚡

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING🧠 #Zeus⚡ is #ChristianGOD⚡ but #God of ALL #GODS & therefore #Judge 👨‍⚖️ of ALL #Religion☠️⚡

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING🧠 #Osiris🦖 is #ChristianLORD but #Lord of ALL other Dead Gods & #Judge👨‍⚖️ of ALL #Religion⚡

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING🧠 asking #Zeus⚡to be a #Loyal #Husband❓to #heRA is a #DeathSentence☠️ for ALL other Women🤷‍♂️

Click Here to watch the Video: Hey👋 I⚡will #Erupt #YellowStone🌋#SuperVolcano & #Earthquake #SanAndreas if you don’t share my videos


Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING🧠 HOT🔥#White🤍#Women😍 #pray🙏 for #Sex💋 with #Zeus⚡ SHOULD NOT be a #Surprise for YOU!#DaddyGod

Click Here to watch the Video: 📺 Do⚡#BreakingNews 📺 about 📺 Me being⚡#Zeus⚡(#AmunRa / #Thor) & #hiddenChristianGod✝️on #AmericanTV📡

Click Here to watch the Video: Make sure🧠 all #internet🛜searches for #keywords #zeus, #amunra, #thor & #god leads to my #Twitter👨‍💻

My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme

Anyways, so, I also made this video explaining how HHH (Paul Levesque) is actually a “Jesus Christ” duplicate that is a Poseidon from Greek Mythology. You must watch this video, download all the “Accurate Zeus Memes” and get them to HHH (Paul Levesque) for HHH to see and recognize itself as Poseidon from Bible. LOL. Don’t Freak out! I’m just explaining the Bible.

Click Here to watch the Video: Understanding 🧠 #HHH (#PaulLevesque) is a #Poseidon😂 duplicate & #JesusChrist through profiling 😂

My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme

Anyways, so, I also made this video explaining how Boris Johnson is actually a “Jesus Christ” duplicate that is a Prometheus from Greek Mythology. So, LOL, if you didn’t know, Boris Johnson (BJ) gave a bizarre speech at the 2019 United Nations speech about Me… Zeus and what I plan to do for “kingdom of GOD”, LOL. This is a video I made to explain that BJ 2019 UN Speech so you know what Boris was talking about and what I am talking about. LOL

Click Here to watch the Video: Making Sense 🧠 of #BorisJohnson 2019 #UnitedNations Speech 😂 — What was #BJ trying to say? 📢 #AmunRa

Anyways, so, I also made this video explaining how Donald Trump is actually a “Jesus Christ” duplicate that is an Ares from Greek Mythology. Click Here to watch the Video: Understanding 🧠 #DonaldTrump is an #Ares duplicate & #JesusChrist through character profiling 😂#Zeus

My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme

Anyways, so, I also made this video explaining how Joe Biden is actually a “Jesus Christ” duplicate that is a Uranus from Greek Mythology. Click Here to watch the Video: Understanding 🧠 #JoeBiden is a #Uranus😂 duplicate & #JesusChrist through character profiling 😂#Zeus

Anyways, so, I made this video explaining how Alexa Bliss (Lexi Kaufman) is actually a “Jesus Christ” duplicate that is an Athena from Greek Mythology. By the way, Did you see Alexa’s Ass? Oh! I made that! LOL! Give Me Glory for making a sexy little Pandora like Alexa Bliss with a fine ass. MORONS!

My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING 🧠 #AlexaBliss is an #Athena😂 duplicate & #JesusChrist through character profiling 😂 #AmunRa

Click Here to watch the Video: Why #English is the ONLY #language #wordofGod 👼 can be understood in 🧠 #A for #AmunRa, #Z for #Zeus😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Hot 🔥 White 🤍 Women 😍 talk 🦜 like this 👉 Bible Revelations

Click Here to watch the Video: Why HOT WHITE WOMEN must speak up 📢 about the cruelty 👿 of Egyptian Goddesses & “Pandora’s Box” 💣

Click Here to watch the Video: Why HOT WHITE WOMEN must learn to ask the correct Questions in Questions-Continuum (Q-Continuum)

Click Here to watch the Video: What is “Adam and Eve”? They’re EGYPTIAN SEX Experiments Hot White Women are supposed to control 🤫

Click Here to watch the Video: This is Why ❓Hot 🔥 White 🤍 Women 😍 must STOP 🛑 Porn 👅 & Prostitution 👙for God — Bible Revelations

Click Here to watch the Video: Persephone is a Phone 📱 & Athena is a Chat System 🗨️ you can use to communicate with other Goddesses

Click Here to watch the Video: Learning to talk with Music 🎶 with the Egyptian Goddesses and Pandora Goddesses

Anyways, watch the videos, take them to a Church and collect Burnt Offerings as sacrifices for the Ressurection of haTHOR and heRA and collect 2,000,000,000 (2 Billion) sacrifices to resurrect them.

Also, it is very important that you download all the 850+ “Accurate Zeus Memes” from my profile and take them to a Church near You.

You have to understand Bible from the Perspective of GOD- ME!


Click Here to watch the Video: Hey, I’m Zeus aka AmunRa aka Thor aka Horus aka “hidden Christian God” ⚡ “Accurate Zeus Memes” are Bible Revelations!

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING🧠Why❓#Christianity must NEVER be afraid of #Lightning⚡Lightning is the protection MORONS!🤬

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING 🧠 What❓#ChristtheRedeemer means from #Bible…. it means EVERYONE is #JesusChrist, MORONS! 🤬

Click Here to watch the Video: Did you see the #VolcanicEruption I did in #Iceland? Who wants to see👀 Me blow💥#Yellowstone🌋#next?😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Did you see the #Earthquake I did in #Japan 🇯🇵 ?😎 Give Me GLORY🏆 for #Earthquakes I do MORONS!🤷‍♂️🤬⚡

Click Here to watch the Video: KNOWING 🧠 Today’s #News📺: 75% of #UnitedStatesofAmerica is #Earthquake prone is bcz #USA is #Hell🤬🔥

Click Here to watch the Video: How to use #AccurateZeusMeme as your #GoldenTicket 🎫 into #kingdomofGod if you can unlock the code 👍

Click Here to watch the Video: Understanding Why❓#Christianity is against #Prayer ✝️- Because I don’t want worship & YOU ARE BINARY

Click Here to watch the Video: Why #deceptionofZeus is the #rapeofGOD & #EgyptianGoddesses are #Unforgiven #Goddesses because of it

Click Here to watch the Video: Understanding #IsraelPalestine & #RussiaUkraine #War💣 is happening because I ordered #depopulation😄

Click Here to watch the Video: Why I⚡want #Deaths ☠️ from #Lightning, #Earthquake, #Cyclone, #Tsunami, etc promoted as #wrathofGod

Click Here to watch the Video: Understanding #Lust 👄 is #Sin ✝️ means #Christianity is a #SexLess #Religion for #Virgins ONLY 🤷‍♂️

Click Here to watch the Video: Understanding🧠 #McSweeney’s article: #IFZEUSHADINSTAGRAM is 4years TOO LATE!I’m on #Twitter Now!🤷‍♂️

Click Here to watch the Video: Which of my #lovestories ♥️ do you #love 🤷‍♂️the Most? #haTHOR & #amunRA 🖤 or #zeUS & #heRA 🤍 #Bible

Watch the YouTube video here: Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Memes — Part 1

Watch the YouTube video here: Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Memes — Part 2

Watch the YouTube video here: Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Memes — Part 3

Watch the YouTube video here: Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Memes — Part 4

Click Here to watch the Video: Why #Russia 🇷🇺 threatened to #Nuke 🚀 #Yellowstone🌋 & #earthquake #SanAndreas -I’m #CultofPersonality

Click Here to watch the Video: Why I will erupt 🧨 #Yellowstone 🌋 & #Earthquake #SanAndreas if #America🇺🇲 does NOT listen to Me NOW!

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says, “I am the #Alpha & the #Omega” in Bible? Means I’m #AmunRa & #Zeus😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Why #EgyptianGoddesses and Me, write ✍️ tragedies as our own Destinies✨ (Secrets of the #QContinuum)

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — Is my “heart” really lighter than a feather? 🪶 It’s an Egyptian Pun 😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Why #SIMChristianGOD (#Twitter) & #AccurateZeusMemes are the most important thing on the #Internet📶

Click Here to watch the Video: Why this is the ONLY picture of #God you’re allowed to use for #ZeusforPresident campaign-I Hate You

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says, “God does great things without numbers” 🔢😂 It means you’re BINARY 📢

Click Here to watch the Video: Why does New Testament keep fighting over #Israel? Understanding #LinkinPark #NewDivide song lyrics

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — I AM Stronger 💪 than all other Gods combined, it’s True! I’m SuperGod!⚡😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — Amun and Ra are NOT two separate Gods.. they’re Both Me!⚡#PrinceofPersia

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — Yes! I once sent #Sekhmet to Kill 💣 most of humanity & She did Kill most

Click Here to watch the Video: Why only Hot 🔥 White 🤍 Virgin ✝️ Women 😍 in #Christianity can understand #AccurateZeusMeme ⚡ — Bible

Click Here to watch the Video: “#ClimateChange is #FakeNews” because I am #God of #Climate ⚡ NO #MotherNature, it’s #FatherNature 😂

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says “#God does not Lie” in Bible? It means #wordofGod is #alive & #active

Click Here to watch the Video: What do the lines “He opened their minds to understand the #Scripture” mean? Read #AccurateZeusMeme

Click Here to watch the Video: Egyptian 🇪🇬 Goddesses hate 🤬 “Modern Talking” 🎵 because that’s Greek 🇬🇷 Mythology music 🎵🤣LOL

Click Here to watch the Video: Why you must understand #JesusChrist ✝️ being a #Messiah or #Savior is an Egyptian Pun 😂 Bible Code

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says, “there will be no death” in “#KingdomofGod” in Bible? Bible Verses

Click Here to watch the Video: Why everything is a simulation, and you need to understand “binary” to control your simulation ✝️

Click Here to watch the Video: Why you need to understand 🧠 #Cloning & #Laboratory babies to remake yourself instead of Pregnancy 😍

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says, “With whom will you compare Me? Who do you think is my equal?” LOL😂

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says, “Your words found Me, and I ate them” 😍 in Bible? Means I love Women

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says, “In the beginning there was God, and God was the Word” in Bible?

Click Here to watch the Video: What does it mean when it says, “God’s words are Alive and Active” in Bible? It means You’re BINARY

Click Here to watch the Video: Why are Egyptian Goddesses and their followers collectively called #Kali? 😂 It’s result of My Curses

Click Here to watch the Video: Why is #Christianity against idolworship? Because Egyptian Goddesses tie your spirits to idols 😤🤬

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me-I get cranky without Hot White Women around Me & that’s why New Testament

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” painting is Sexist! 🚫 😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me -I don’t remember names! It’s true! 😂 but, You remember Me, that’s enough!

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — No! “The Eagle” is NOT my symbol! I hate birds! 🦜🚫 Get rid of them!

Click Here to watch the Video: Why does #heRA kill all of #Zeus children? Because they’re NOT #AmunRA babies 😂 — Bible Revelations

Click Here to watch the Video: “We don’t need a “Messiah”, We are the “Messiah”” — Is what You need to be thinking to resurrect You

Click Here to watch the Video: Songs 🎼 that will be simulated as your 🫵 Destiny ✨ — Part 2 — Ariana Grande 🖤 🎸 — Bible Revelations

Click Here to watch the Video: Why you must give Me a BiG “build-up” before revealing Me as “hidden Christians God” ⚡ — Bible Verse

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — I HATE 🤬 the Sun 🌦️I HATE 🤬 Yellow 🟡 light, You have to Ban 🚫 Yellow 🟡

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — “The Evil God Challenge” is about Me! I am the ONLY “All Holy God” 🔥⚡😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — Why am I called the “Dark Sun”? It’s an Egyptian Pun meaning Black Hole

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — Yes! I hate lying 🤥 😤 It’s NOT a myth! It’s Religion morons! ☯️

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — How touchy am I about my hair? My hair is the most important thing ever!

Click Here to watch the Video: Confirming myths about Me — Can you steal my lightning? No! Dumbass! I am Lightning ⚡

Click Here to watch the Video: What is the role of Police 🚓 & Military 🪖 in building “Kingdom of God” 👑 — Zeus for President ideas💡

Click Here to watch the Video: Why you have to use “Cancel Culture” to erase a number of brands under Christianity-new World order

Click Here to watch the Video: What are these planets? Why is it called a “captured solar system”? — Bible Revelations

Click Here to watch the Video: How to do “Zeus for President” campaign in all Christian ✝️ countries 🗾 for “Kingdom of God”? 👑

Click Here to watch the Video: What do the lines, “I abhor You”, “You appall me” mean from Bible? — Egyptian Goddess Psycho shit 😂

Click Here to watch the Video: Why you should study “Pestilence” & be “efficient” for “end of the World” — Bible Revelations by GOD

Click Here to watch the Video: If you do “new World order”, you have to learn to be “Heel’ 👠 & Force 🥊 Old Testament Christianity

Click Here to watch the Video: Why does it say, “unless you become like little children, you won’t enter the kingdom of heaven” in Bible? — Bible Revelations?

Click Here to watch the Video: If you don’t do Cremation, I have to strike you down with Lightning ⚡ to collect Burnt Offerings 🔥

Click Here to watch the Video: I only made White 🤍 Christianity ✝️ — Diversity is just butthurt Egyptian Goddesses unable to do it!

Click Here to watch the Video: The internet 🛜 is a Christian ✝️ creation! Take control of the internet with Hot 🔥 White 🤍 Women ♀️

Click Here to watch the Video: Why do Women have periods or get pregnant if Lust is sin? — Bible Revelations — Zeus explains

Click Here to watch the Video: There are only 2 forms of Christianity — Old Testament Christianity and New Testament Christianity

Read the Bible and watch My Bible Revelations Videos on My YouTube Channel: BibleGodSimZeusAmunRaThor

Download & Share “Accurate Zeus Memes” here: Pinterest: ChristianGOD-Sim Zeus aka AmunRa aka Thor

Download & Share “Accurate Zeus Memes” here: Twitter: ChristianGOD-Sim aka Zeus aka AmunRa aka Thor

My 10 Lessons From Being In Love With A Psychopath — Part I — Bible Revelations — Accurate Zeus Meme



Sim aka Zeus aka AmunRA aka Thor aka Horus

Read the Bible and watch My Bible Revelations Videos on My YouTube Channel: BibleGodSimZeusAmunRaThor Twitter: ChristianGOD-Sim aka Zeus aka AmunRa aka Thor