Join the Ola OGs: 6 OG Roles Available and Rules Updated

3 min readMar 15, 2023


Hello Ola family,

We understand that being part of a community involves more than just holding a title or a role. We believe that our 300 OG roles in the community should be reserved for those who have a real impact. Our goal is to ensure that our OGs are active, engaged, and genuinely committed to making a positive contribution to our community.

To achieve this, we continuously review and refine our OG role program. Currently, we have 6 vacant spots available for those interested in becoming an Ola OG. We invite you to participate in our Ola weekly community contribution leaderboard, which provides an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your passion and dedication to our community.

Ola Weekly Community Contribution Leaderboard

As an Ola OG, you will receive exclusive event invitations, airdrops, and other privileges that are not available to general members. However, these privileges are earned through consistent, active participation, and positive contributions to the community. To become an OG, we encourage you to actively participate in discussions, share your insights, and help others in the community. Here are 2 ways you can get Ola points:

  • Make community contributions, such as creating memes and threads, translating articles, designing Ola stickers, etc.
  • Make technical contributions, such as joining our builder grants program.
Ola Point Table

The leaderboard runs from Monday to Sunday each week, and contributions are measured based on the Ola Points Table. The top 3 contributors each week will have the opportunity to be granted the OG role. This recognition demonstrates that we highly respect and acknowledge our members for their contributions.

We also have measures in place to remove Ola OG members who are no longer actively contributing to our community. We regularly review and track OG members’ activities and contributions to ensure that they maintain their positive impact and contribution. If an OG member has no contribution points or no longer participates in the community(e.g. they have 0 XP) for a month, we reserve the right to revoke their OG membership and open the position for other community members to apply.

This process ensures that our OG members are always the most active and contributing members, and it encourages all community members to remain actively involved in community discussions and activities, contributing to the development of the community.

We hope to see your contributions and dedication to our community. Let’s work together to make it the best it can be! If you’re passionate about our community and want to make a difference, join us and become a part of the Ola OGs.

Note: Sin7y-Ola reserves all rights of explanation

If you are new to the Ola Family, please refer to the following channels of Ola to learn more!

Website | Whitepaper |GitHub | Twitter | Discord | HackMD | Medium | HackerNoon

About us

Founded in 2021 and powered by top-notch blockchain developers, Sin7y is a project incubator and blockchain technology research team that explores the most important and cutting-edge technologies, including EVM, Layer2, cross-chain, privacy computing, etc. We are currently building Ola, a one-stop platform bolstering the Ethereum ecosystem with programmable privacy, programmable scalability, and developer compatibility.

If you are interested in talking with us, feel free to join our Discord server or email us at




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