Sina zerehpoosh
12 min readSep 8, 2023

image source RegencySupply

A Comprehensive Guide to HVAC Heating Load Calculations

Heating load calculations are a crucial step in designing an efficient HVAC system for buildings. By accurately assessing factors such as insulation, air infiltration, internal heat gains, and the outdoor design temperature, engineers and designers can select the right heating equipment, optimize energy use, and ensure indoor comfort while minimizing operational costs. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of HVAC heating load calculations, providing you with the knowledge and tools to perform accurate calculations for any building.

Understanding Heating Load

The heating load of a building refers to the rate at which heat energy must be supplied to maintain a specific indoor temperature when it’s colder outside. It is measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units) or watts. Several factors influence the heating load, including the outdoor temperature, building size, insulation levels, air leakage, and the heat generated by occupants and equipment.

To accurately calculate the heating load, it is essential to consider all these factors and perform a detailed analysis of the building envelope, air infiltration, and internal heat gains.

The Role of Outdoor Design Temperature

The outdoor design temperature is the lowest outdoor temperature that is expected in a particular location during the coldest part of the year. It serves as a critical parameter for heating load calculations. Design temperature data can be obtained from local weather records or building codes, and it is typically expressed as the 99th percentile temperature, meaning it is exceeded only 1% of the time.

The outdoor design temperature provides a basis for determining the heat energy required to maintain indoor comfort during extreme cold weather conditions. It is an essential input for accurate heating load calculations.

Analyzing the Building Envelope

A thorough analysis of the building’s envelope is crucial for determining the amount of heat lost through conduction and infiltration. The building envelope includes walls, roof, windows, doors, and insulation. Each of these components has a specific U-value, which represents its thermal transmittance. Lower U-values indicate better insulation, while higher U-values indicate poorer insulation.

To calculate the heat loss through conduction, you need to consider the surface area of each component and multiply it by its corresponding U-value. The total heat loss through conduction is the sum of the heat losses from each component.

Accounting for Air Infiltration

Air infiltration occurs when outdoor air leaks into the building through gaps, cracks, and openings in the building envelope. It can significantly contribute to heat loss and affect the heating load of a building. The rate of air infiltration is determined based on the building’s air-tightness, expressed in air changes per hour (ACH), and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air.

To calculate the heat loss due to air infiltration, you need to multiply the air infiltration rate by the volume of the building and the temperature difference. This will give you an estimate of the heat loss caused by air infiltration.

Considering Internal Heat Gains

Internal heat gains refer to the heat generated by occupants, lighting, appliances, and equipment inside the building. These heat gains can significantly impact the heating load and should be accurately measured or estimated to avoid oversizing the heating system.

To calculate the internal heat gains, you need to consider the number of occupants, the power consumption of lighting fixtures and appliances, and the heat output of equipment. Each of these factors contributes to the total internal heat gains, which should be added to the overall heating load calculation.

HVAC System Efficiency

The efficiency of the heating system also affects the heating load. A more efficient system will require less energy to meet the load, resulting in lower operational costs. When calculating the required heat output, it is essential to consider the efficiency of the heating system to ensure accurate sizing and energy optimization.

High-efficiency heating systems can help minimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact. Therefore, selecting an HVAC system with a high efficiency rating is crucial for achieving energy efficiency and cost savings.

Solar Gain and its Impact

Solar gain refers to the heat energy gained from sunlight entering the building through windows and other openings. The amount of solar gain depends on various factors, including the orientation, size, and shading of windows, as well as the local climate.

During the heating season, solar gain can contribute to reducing the heating load by providing free heat energy. By properly designing and positioning windows and implementing shading strategies, you can optimize solar gain and reduce the reliance on the heating system.

Calculation Methods

Heating load calculations can be performed manually using detailed mathematical formulas that consider all the factors mentioned above. However, manual calculations can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Therefore, specialized software tools are widely used for accurate and efficient heating load calculations. here I show you how to calculate everything manually

1. Heat Loss through Conduction:

  • Formula: Heat Loss (Q) = U × A × ΔT
  • Where:
  • Q: Heat Loss in BTUs (British Thermal Units) or Watts
  • U: U-value of the building component in BTU/(hr·ft²·°F) or (W/m²·K)
  • A: Surface Area of the component in square feet or square meters
  • ΔT: Temperature Difference between indoor and outdoor air in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C)

Step-by-Step Calculation:

Step 1: Determine U-value (U)

  • The U-value represents the thermal transmittance of the building component (e.g., wall, window, roof). It quantifies how well the component insulates against heat transfer. You can typically find U-values in construction material specifications or databases.

Step 2: Measure Surface Area (A)

  • Measure the surface area of the component that faces the outdoor environment. For example, if you are calculating heat loss through a wall, measure the total exterior wall area, excluding windows and doors.

Step 3: Determine Temperature Difference (ΔT)

  • ΔT represents the temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air. To calculate ΔT, subtract the outdoor design temperature from the desired indoor temperature (in the same temperature scale). The outdoor design temperature is the lowest expected temperature for your location during the coldest part of the year.

Step 4: Apply the Formula

  • Plug the values you obtained in Steps 1 to 3 into the formula: Q = U × A × ΔT
  • Make sure that all units are consistent. For example, if you are using U-values in W/m²·K and surface area in square meters, ensure that ΔT is in degrees Celsius.

Step 5: Calculate Heat Loss (Q)

  • Perform the multiplication as per the formula to calculate the heat loss (Q) in BTUs or Watts.

Step 6: Repeat for Multiple Components

  • If you have multiple building components (e.g., walls, windows, roof) with different U-values and surface areas, repeat the calculation for each component and sum the individual heat losses to obtain the total heat loss for the building.

2. Air Infiltration Heat Loss:

Air infiltration heat loss refers to the energy lost or gained when outdoor air enters a building and indoor air escapes due to unintentional leaks or openings in the building’s envelope. These openings can be found around windows, doors, gaps in walls, and other areas where the building’s air barrier is compromised. Air infiltration affects indoor comfort, energy efficiency, and heating and cooling load calculations.

Formula for Air Infiltration Heat Loss:

Q_infiltration = ACH × V × ΔT × 1.08


  • Q_infiltration: Heat loss (or gain) due to air infiltration in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) or Watts (W).
  • ACH: Air changes per hour, representing how many times the entire building’s air volume is exchanged with outdoor air per hour.
  • V: Building’s interior volume in cubic feet (ft³) or cubic meters (m³).
  • ΔT: Temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C).
  • 1.08: A constant representing the specific heat of air in BTU/ft³·°F or Joules per cubic meter per degree Celsius (J/m³·K).

Detailed Calculation Steps:

Step 2: Determine ACH (Air Changes per Hour):

  • ACH is typically determined through blower door testing, which measures the air leakage rate of the building. This test provides the number of air changes per hour at a specified pressure difference. The result is expressed as ACH50 (at 50 Pascals pressure difference) or similar values.

Step 2: Calculate Interior Volume (V):

  • Measure or calculate the building’s interior volume. This involves multiplying the floor area by the ceiling height. Ensure that both the floor area and ceiling height are in the same unit (e.g., square feet and feet, or square meters and meters).

Step 3: Determine ΔT (Temperature Difference):

  • ΔT is the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures. It’s essential to use the appropriate units (either °F or °C) to match the units used in the formula.

Step 4: Apply the Formula:

  • Plug the values from the previous steps into the formula:

Q_infiltration = ACH × V × ΔT × 1.08

  • Ensure that all units are consistent. For example, if you use cubic feet for volume, use degrees Fahrenheit for temperature difference.

Step 5: Calculate Air Infiltration Heat Loss (Q_infiltration):

  • Perform the multiplication as per the formula to calculate the air infiltration heat loss in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) or Watts (W).

Step 6: Consider Seasonal Variations:

  • Keep in mind that air infiltration can vary seasonally. Buildings are typically sealed more tightly in the winter to reduce heating energy loss and more loosely in the summer to allow for natural ventilation. Seasonal adjustments may be needed in load calculations.

By following these detailed steps and accurately measuring or estimating the parameters in the formula, you can calculate the air infiltration heat loss or gain for a building. This information is essential for properly sizing heating and cooling systems and ensuring indoor comfort while minimizing energy consumption.

3. Internal heat gain:

Internal heat gain represents the heat generated by people, lighting, appliances, and equipment inside a space.

Formula: Q_internal = Σ (Heat Gain Sources)

  • Q_internal: Total internal heat gains in BTUs or Watts.
  • Σ (Heat Gain Sources): Sum of heat gains from occupants, lighting, appliances, and equipment inside the building. These heat gains are typically provided in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) or Watts (W).

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate internal heat gain:

Step 1: Identify Heat Sources

Before you begin the calculation, identify and list all the heat sources inside the space. These typically include:

  • Occupants: The number of people in the space and their activity levels.
  • Lighting: The heat produced by lighting fixtures, including both artificial and natural light (sunlight through windows).
  • Appliances and Equipment: Heat generated by electrical appliances, computers, servers, and any other equipment in the space.

Step 2: Gather Data

For each heat source, gather the necessary data:

  • Number of Occupants: Determine the number of people in the space. It’s helpful to know their typical activities (e.g., office work, physical labor).
  • Lighting Load: Calculate the total wattage of all lighting fixtures in the space. If using natural light, estimate the contribution from windows.
  • Appliance and Equipment Load: List all appliances and equipment, including their power ratings (in watts). This may involve consulting equipment specifications or using wattage meters.

Step 3: Calculate Heat Gain per Person

The heat gain per person depends on their activity level. Common values for heat gain per person range from 100 to 200 watts. More sedentary activities typically have lower values, while physically demanding activities have higher values. Choose an appropriate value based on the occupants’ activities.

Step 4: Calculate Internal Heat Gain

Calculate the heat gain from each source and then sum them up:

  • Heat Gain from Occupants (Watts): Multiply the number of occupants by the heat gain per person:
  • Heat Gain from Occupants (Watts) = Number of People × Heat Gain per Person (Watts/Person)
  • Heat Gain from Lighting (Watts): Sum the wattage of all lighting fixtures, including both artificial and natural light:
  • Heat Gain from Lighting (Watts) = Total Lighting Load (Watts)
  • Heat Gain from Appliances and Equipment (Watts): Sum the power ratings of all appliances and equipment:
  • Heat Gain from Appliances and Equipment (Watts) = Total Appliance and Equipment Load (Watts)

Step 5: Calculate Total Internal Heat Gain

Add the heat gains from all sources to find the total internal heat gain in the space:

Total Internal Heat Gain (Watts) = Heat Gain from Occupants + Heat Gain from Lighting + Heat Gain from Appliances and Equipment

4. Solar Gain

Solar gain, also known as solar heat gain or passive solar gain, refers to the heat energy gained from sunlight entering a building through windows, doors, and other openings. It’s a critical factor in building design, affecting indoor comfort, energy efficiency, and heating and cooling load calculations. Let’s explore solar gain in detail and explain how to calculate it using a formula.

Factors Affecting Solar Gain:

Several factors influence the amount of solar gain a building experiences:

  1. Orientation: The direction in which windows face can significantly impact solar gain. South-facing windows receive more direct sunlight in the northern hemisphere while north-facing windows receive less.
  2. Window Properties: The type of glazing (single pane, double pane, low-emissivity coatings), window size, and shading devices (e.g., blinds, overhangs) all affect the amount of solar radiation that enters the building.
  3. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): SHGC is a measure of how much solar energy a window allows to pass through. Windows with a higher SHGC allow more solar heat gain.
  4. Time of Day and Season: Solar gain varies throughout the day and year due to the changing angle of the sun and daylight hours.

The formula for Solar Gain:

The formula for calculating solar gain is as follows:

Q_solar = A × SHGC × ΔT


  • Q_solar: Solar gain in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) or Watts (W).
  • A: Window area in square feet (ft²) or square meters (m²).
  • SHGC: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, a dimensionless value between 0 and 1.
  • ΔT: Temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C).

Detailed Calculation Steps:

Step 1: Determine Window Area (A):

  • Measure or calculate the total window area that receives direct sunlight. Consider all windows and glass doors in the area of interest.

Step 2: Find SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient):

  • SHGC is usually provided by window manufacturers and can be found in product specifications. It quantifies how much solar heat a window allows through.

Step 3: Determine ΔT (Temperature Difference):

  • ΔT represents the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air. It’s essential to use the appropriate units (either °F or °C) to match the units used in the formula.

Step 4: Apply the Formula:

  • Plug the values from the previous steps into the formula:

Q_solar = A × SHGC × ΔT

  • Ensure that all units are consistent.

Step 5: Calculate Solar Gain (Q_solar):

  • Perform the multiplication as per the formula to calculate the solar gain in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) or Watts (W).

Calculation Example :

let’s consider an example where the outside temperature is lower than the room temperature, leading to the need for heating to maintain indoor comfort. This scenario is common during cold weather conditions.

  • Inside Temperature (Desired): 70 degrees Fahrenheit (70°F).
  • Outside Temperature: 40 degrees Fahrenheit (40°F).
  • Room Area (A): 250 square feet (approximately 23.2 square meters).
  • Wall U-value: 0.2 BTU/(hr·ft²·°F) (insulated, but not highly).
  • Ceiling U-value: 0.1 BTU/(hr·ft²·°F) (well-insulated).
  • Window Area (A_window): 30 square feet (approximately 2.8 square meters).
  • Window U-value: 0.4 BTU/(hr·ft²·°F) (typical for single-glazed windows).
  • SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient): 0.6 (typical for single-glazed windows).
  • ACH (Air Changes per Hour): 2.
  • Interior Volume (V): 1,500 cubic feet (approximately 42.5 cubic meters).
  • ΔT (Temperature Difference): -30 degrees Fahrenheit (ΔT = -30°F).
  • Occupants: 2 people.
  • Lighting: Two 100-watt incandescent bulbs.
  • Appliances: A computer and a television, each consuming 200 watts.


  1. Calculate Heat Loss through Conduction:
  • Q_walls = 0.2 BTU/(hr·ft²·°F) × (250 sq ft) × (-30°F) = -1,500 BTU/hr (Negative because heat is gained through conduction).
  • Q_ceiling = 0.1 BTU/(hr·ft²·°F) × (250 sq ft) × (-30°F) = -750 BTU/hr (Negative because heat is gained through conduction).
  1. Calculate Air Infiltration Heat Loss:
  • Q_infiltration = 2 ACH × 1,500 ft³ × (-30°F) × 1.08 = -97,200 BTU/hr (Negative because heat is gained due to infiltration).
  1. Calculate Internal Heat Gains:
  • Q_internal = (2 occupants × 200 BTU/hr/person) + (2 bulbs × 100 watts/bulb) + (2 appliances × 200 watts/appliance) = 1,000 BTU/hr
  1. Calculate Solar Gain:
  • Q_solar = 30 sq ft × 0.6 × (-30°F) = -540 BTU/hr (Negative because heat is lost due to solar gain).
  1. Total Heating Load:
  • Total Heating Load = Q_walls + Q_ceiling + Q_infiltration + Q_internal + Q_solar
  • Total Heating Load = (-1,500 BTU/hr) + (-750 BTU/hr) + (-97,200 BTU/hr) + 1,000 BTU/hr + (-540 BTU/hr) = -98,990 BTU/hr (Negative because heat needs to be added to maintain the desired inside temperature).

Conversion to Watts:

If you want to express the total heating load in Watts:

Total Heating Load (Watts) = Total Heating Load (BTU/hr) ÷ 3.412

Total Heating Load (Watts) = -98,990 BTU/hr ÷ 3.412 ≈ -28,996 Watts (W) (Negative because heat needs to be added).

In this corrected example, with an outside temperature of 40°F and a desired inside temperature of 70°F, the total heating load for the room is approximately -98,990 BTU/hr or -28,996 Watts (W). The negative value indicates that heat needs to be added to maintain the desired inside temperature when the outside temperature is lower.

Sizing the Heating System

Once the heating load is accurately calculated, it is crucial to select the appropriate heating system to meet the load. Oversizing the heating system can lead to inefficiency and increased costs, while undersizing can result in inadequate heating and discomfort for occupants.

By considering the heating load, system efficiency, and other factors such as zoning requirements, you can choose the right heating equipment and ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.


In summary, heating load calculations are a critical step in designing efficient heating systems. By accurately assessing factors like insulation, air infiltration, internal heat gains, and outdoor design temperature, engineers and designers can select the right heating equipment, optimize energy use, and ensure indoor comfort while minimizing operational costs. Modern software tools have streamlined this process, making it more accessible and precise.