ViewProviders in Angular

Sinan Öztürk
3 min readMar 14, 2024


First of all we can only use viewProviders key in @Component metadata.

So when to use ViewProviders? There are 2 use cases for viewProviders.

1-) Provide Only for View

What do i mean by that? What is View?

  • View is as you can understand from the name, it’s a component view itself, it’s a component template.
  • But we can already provide dependencies for our template with providers array. Why should i use viewProviders?
  • viewProviders doesn’t provide for projected content components. If you dont know what is content projection and how to use ng-content check this blog post of mine.
  • If you are okey with ng-content let’s see an usage example.


selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [ParentComponent, CustomContentComponent],
template: `
<app-custom-content> </app-custom-content>
export class AppComponent {}

We have ParentComponent and this component gets an content.


selector: 'app-parent',
standalone: true,
imports: [RandomComponent],
template: `
<h4>Ng Content</h4>
viewProviders: [{ provide: EmojiService, useValue: '👪' }],
export class ParentComponent {}


selector: 'app-random',
standalone: true,
template: `randomComponent: {{ emoji }}`,
export class RandomComponent {
emoji = inject(EmojiService, { optional: true });


selector: 'app-custom-content',
standalone: true,
template: `CustomContentComponent: {{ emoji }}`,
export class CustomContentComponent {
emoji = inject(EmojiService, { optional: true });

CustomContentComponent won’t able to get provided emoji because it’s only provided for view not for projected content (ng-content).


2-) Provide dependency when a child directive uses @Host resolution modifier

  • Don’t forget, every component is an also directive.

I want to explain this case with an example.


selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [CustomDirective],
template: ` <div appCustom>App Component</div> `,
providers: [{ provide: EmojiService, useValue: '🍒' }],
export class AppComponent {}


selector: '[appCustom]',
standalone: true,
export class CustomDirective {
constructor(@Optional() @Host() public emoji: EmojiService) {

So if i check the console it will be null.

It’s because @Host resolution modifier look for dependency in the view, it doesn’t check the component injector.

So, if i change my app.component.ts as below it will work.

selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [CustomDirective],
template: ` <div appCustom>App Component</div> `,
viewProviders: [{ provide: EmojiService, useValue: '🍒' }],
export class AppComponent {}

It will log the 🍒

Read my article about @Self and @Host resolution modifiers.

