Why is Time So Cruel and Unjust

Sincerely, Olivia
4 min readJun 12, 2023

“Damn it, this freaking phone is not working AGAIN! Can you hear me? Hello? HELLOooo?!?!”

The phone was definitely broken. She got angry and started to swear. Then she shook the greatest human’s invention and punched it with her hand. Finally, she raised her head to heaven and started to beg God for help.

However, when none of the options worked, she exploded with fury and hurled the phone so far, no one could ever see it again. Archaeologists could maybe find it after a thousand years, but it’s not guaranteed. That is what happens when you let anger take over your life.

The phone landed somewhere in the garden between onions and cucumbers. Well, it could be much worse. It could be a filthy chicken coop close to the garden. But that time, luck was on her side. Besides, chickens have their own challenges than violating personal boundaries and gazing at someone’s text messages.

That was, in fact, my dear grandmother. Always militant and self-sufficient. Always daring and free-spirited. Never asked for advice when it came to big decisions in her life. Always knew what to do and how to tell people “to go to hell” when they failed to match her vibe. So extremely powerful. She had never cried in front of me, and when someone told her, “I love you,” she always replied, “Thank you,” right away.

