To bloom.

sincerely aem,
1 min readMay 19, 2024


Bloom, most people would say that this only describes the growth and flowering of a plant. But what if you used the term “bloom” to describe life and people? How would it be?

If we would compare people to a plant there wouldn’t be much of a difference, they all come in every shape and color, requiring food, light, water, and air for living. Flowers bloom in nature, but people can also bloom and nurture into a newer version of themselves, thriving in life.

Life has its seasons; There is summer filled with beautiful and bright moments, then as the warmth of summer fades, there comes the season of autumn where the leaves start to fall which signifies the impermanence of things. In winter, we embrace the sadness and sorrow from the fall, then move on to plant the fields of life with seeds of commitment and determined effort as we welcome a new season of spring; representing a fresh new beginning.

It takes a whole lot of progress, a never-ending cycle of learning, failing, losing, and growing once again. But we should recognize the fact that we have more control over our personal development than we would realize, and despite various weeds that hinder us, seasons will pass and our unique variety of blooming will come.

